Browse Books

SILVER NANOPARTICLES: Synthesis, Functionalization and Applications
Silver Nanoparticles: Synthesis Functionalization and Applications presents detailed information about the range of methods of synthesizing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The book systematically delves into the subject with an introductory chapter before moving to chemical synthesis of AGnPs and fabrication methods which help in assigning functional properties for useful nanomaterials. Basic and advanced synthetic methods like surface functionalization and bioconjugation are covered. Additionally the book informs about impactful applications of AGNPs across a range of industries. Through this book readers will be able to understand the importance of silver nanoparticles as a futuristic material in scientific investigations and gain a comprehensive understanding of the operational strategies revolving around their surface modification and conjugation.
Key Features:
-Covers the basics of silver nanoparticle (AGNP) synthesis
-Focuses on green methods of AGNPs
- Covers information about surface modification and functionalization of AGNPs with different molecules (including biomolecules)
-Covers a range of applications of AGNPs
-Includes advanced applications of AGNPs in next-generation antibiotics
Silver Nanoparticles: Synthesis Functionalization and Applications a handy reference for scholars in advanced chemical engineering materials science and pharmacology programs as well as anyone who wants to know all about silver nanoparticles.

Safety Science: Methods to Prevent Incidents and Worker Health Damage at the Workplace
Risk management is a process through which an organization methodically analyses risks inherent in all of its operational activities with the aim of minimizing damage to physical assets or occupational health hazards. Risk Management therefore should be a central element in the management strategy of any organization as it plays a crucial role in giving the organization a sustainable operational advantage.
Safety Science: Methods to Prevent Incidents and Worker Health Damage at the Workplace is a handbook for management students and working professionals (safety professionals human resource managers insurance officers etc.) interested in the science of risk management and methods to implements safety standards at the workplace.
The book introduces readers to the concept of occupational risk and occupational health management. It explains the concepts relevant to these topics such as safety economy valuation and asset integrity management. Assessment tools related to qualitative and quantitative risk management incident and vulnerability analysis are also provided. Additionally readers will find information on the human factors and methods to improve human engagement in risk management as well as information about current safety standards and systems in organizations around the world.

Schrödinger’s Cat Smile
The book presents a multidisciplinary analysis of the context of quantum physics experiments and the function of the human mind that makes it possible to demonstrate that an object-based model of reality formed at the level of the unconscious is the basis of our worldview.
The consciousness experiences a "time flow" because of the specific features of perception in the form of a model with a sequential fixation of events. Together with the need to relate objects in terms of the model this generates a space-time representation of the world around us. Acceptance of a mental character of our construct of reality allows for resolution of the problems in quantum physics and its paradoxes thereby opening the way to an insight into reality.
The presented material is organized in a specific order to facilitate the reader's understanding. First the fact that if there are no objects in the area of quantum mechanics then they belong to the corresponding model rather than the reality is proved by case studies of the most discussed and relevant paradoxes of quantum physics. The authors consider a topological variant in constructing an object-based space that describes the physical properties of an object that are the most verified in science and describable with mathematical relations. The functionality of the proposed construct is tested by deriving the "laws" of conservation of energy and momentum in a relativistic form.
The book is oriented towards experts in physics and psychology advanced students and readers interested in state-of-the-art science and the philosophy connected to it.

Science TQM, New Quality Management Principle: The Quality Management Strategy of Toyota
When we look at the quality management issues that have faced both in Japan and the rest of the world recently it is clear that a next-generation quality management practice is required featuring a rational approach that will motivate people and revitalize organizations. We need to reassess the way quality management is carried out in the manufacturing industry and establish‘ Science Total Quality Management (TQM) new quality management principle as a next-generation management technology. In this e-book the author proposes the ‘Science TQM new quality management principle aimed at the evolution of manufacturing and demonstrates its effectiveness. This contemporary principle of Japanese management science - a scientific quality management method – has been the key to success in global production and facilitates globally consistent levels of quality and simultaneous production worldwide.
Specifically Science TQM consists of several core technologies designed to address specific areas of corporate operations: the ‘Total Marketing System TMS for sales the ‘Total Development System TDS for development and design the ‘Total Production System TPS for production technology and manufacturing and the ‘Total Intelligence Management System TIS and ‘Total Job Quality Management System TJS for administrative and managerial functions. These systems are then effectively linked through ‘ Science SQC new quality control principle to rationally achieve strategic quality management.
The focus of this book is thus the theory and application of strategic quality management through the application of ‘Science TQM. The effectiveness of Science TQM is then demonstrated at Toyota Motor Corporation -one of the world s leading automotive manufacturing companies. The author a leading ex-general manager of TQM promotion division of Toyota Motor Corporation shows how to align them to develop competitive quality throughout the business process that covers from the creation of product concept through manufacturing and selling to delivery to clients by actual cases. This is an e-book to be benchmarked by research professionals and practitioners who are interested in developing competitive quality of their business in the prevailing global competition. This e-book is also strongly recommended to senior managers such has top level executives who are not directly involved in so-called quality management practices because quality is the outcome of the dynamics of most activities of the company as well as the kernel of competitiveness.
The essence of TQM is reflected in ‘Total Quality Management. Science and technology team work collaboration with internal as well as external members training and skill data and information knowledge and organizational alignment are all important ingredients to be combined systematically and strategically. Linking all ingredients for quality in consistent and effective ways is a key to competitiveness.
Readers will find not only quality related practices but also the linking capacity for executing TQM practices as well as understand the implicit scientific behavioral and organizational insights necessary to achieve real quality.

Science of Spices and Culinary Herbs - Latest Laboratory, Pre-clinical, and Clinical Studies: Volume 4
Many herbs and spices in addition to their culinary use for taste contain chemical compounds which have medicinal uses. For this reason herbs and spices have been used for treating various ailments since ancient times. Modern scientific methods have enabled researchers to isolate bioactive compounds from herbs and spices and perform chemical analyses which can be used to develop medicines to treat different diseases. This book series is a compilation of current reviews on studies performed on herbs and spices. Science of Spices and Culinary Herbs is essential reading for medicinal chemists herbalists and biomedical researchers interested in the science of natural herbs and spices that are a common part of regional diets and folk medicine.
The fourth volume of this series features the following reviews:
1. Pharmacological effects of Curcuma longa focused on anti-inflammatory antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects
2. Ethnomedicinal uses Phytochemistry Pharmacological effects Pre-clinical and Clinical studies on flaxseed: A spice and culinary herb-based formulations and its constituents
3. Nigella sativa (Prophetic medicine): The Miracle Herb
4. Properties of Mexican oregano (Lippia spp.) essential oils and their use in aquaculture
5. Curry leaf: An insight into its Pharmacological activities Medicinal profile and Phytochemistry

Science of Spices and Culinary Herbs - Latest Laboratory, Pre-clinical, and Clinical Studies: Volume 5
Many herbs and spices in addition to their culinary use for taste contain chemical compounds which have medicinal uses. For this reason herbs and spices have been used for treating various ailments since ancient times. Modern scientific methods have enabled researchers to isolate bioactive compounds from herbs and spices and perform chemical analyses which can be used to develop medicines to treat different diseases. This book series is a compilation of current reviews on studies performed on herbs and spices. Science of Spices and Culinary Herbs is essential reading for medicinal chemists herbalists and biomedical researchers interested in the science of natural herbs and spices that are a common part of regional diets and folk medicine.
The fifth volume of this series features research on a variety of spices some of which appear in the series for the first time.
1. Clove: The Spice of Polyvalent Merit
2. Black Cumin Seeds: From Ancient Medicine to Current Clinical Trials
3. The Evolution of Mentha arvensis (L.) As Potential Multifunctional Herbal Medicine: Traditional And Experimental Evidence
4. Zingiber officinale: The Golden Spice as Portrayed in Ayurveda
5. Effects of Cinnamon on Health and its Potential as a Functional Food Ingredient
6. Sumac: A Spice with Many Health Benefits

Science of Spices and Culinary Herbs - Latest Laboratory, Pre-clinical, and Clinical Studies: Volume 6
Many herbs and spices in addition to their culinary use for taste contain chemical compounds which have medicinal uses. For this reason herbs and spices have been used for treating various ailments since ancient times. Modern scientific methods have enabled researchers to isolate and analyze bioactive compounds from herbs and spices to develop medicines for different diseases. Science of Spices and Culinary Herbs presents current reviews on studies performed on herbs and spices. This book series is an informative resource for medicinal chemists herbalists and biomedical researchers interested in the science of natural herbs and spices that are a common part of regional diets and folk medicine.
The sixth volume of this series features reviews on medicinal aspects of a selection of herbs and spices including:
Pimpinella anisum L. (Anise Aniseed)
Sinapis alba L. (Mustard Seeds)
Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamon)
Tamarindus indica L (Tamarind)
Curcuma longa (Curcumin)
Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice).

Scientific Philosophy and Principles in Medicine
Scientific Philosophy and Principles in Medicine is an accessible treatise on the philosophy that guides medical practice. It lays the foundation of a multidisciplinary framework behind the development of the medical profession. The book presents 10 chapters that cover issues that are frequently encountered by medical professionals in their career: philosophical and linguistic principles of rational thought scientific crisp and fuzzy logic diagnostic aspects the history of medicine epistemological concepts approximate reasoning principles of medical wisdom numerical and graphical diagnostics and the collaboration of researchers involved in the fields of engineering and medicine.
The author of the book brings several years of teaching experience and medical practice into this reference with the goal of integrating principles of scientific philosophy and logic into medical education. Readers will understand the process of devising rational diagnostic and treatment approaches that support human health as a generative process that seeks to solve problems through creativity rather than a classical process of following medical protocols.
This book is intended as a basic reference for medical students teachers and general readers interested in the application of logic philosophy and scientific principles in medicine.

Semiconductor Strain Metrology: Principles and Applications
This book surveys the major and newly developed techniques for semiconductor strain metrology. Semiconductor strain metrology has emerged in recent years as a topic of great interest to researchers involved in thin film and nanoscale device characterization. This e-book employs a tutorial approach to explain the principles and applications of each technique specifically tailored for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Selected topics include optical electron beam ion beam and synchrotron x-ray techniques. Unlike earlier references this e-book specifically discusses strain metrology as applied to semiconductor devices with both depth and focus.

Separating Pro-Environment Technologies for Waste Treatment, Soil and Sediments Remediation
The removal of contaminants and pollutants from natural or valuable materials is a critical issue in environmental management and conservation. Fundamentally the procedure consists of measures employed to separate what is good (recyclable materials soil and sediments) from what is bad (non recyclable materials contaminants).
A perspective of current technologies developed for mineral processing is of great assistance for finding appropriate solutions for different environmental situations. The liberation and separation processes adopted to recover valuable minerals from a gangue are in principle the same processes that can be applied to waste materials for recovering useful materials and to soil and sediments to reduce contamination.
Separating Pro-Environment Technologies for Waste Treatment Soil and Sediments Remediation investigates how technologies for separation that take origin form mineral processing have improved and evolved when applied to waste treatment and soil and sediment remediation.

Serial Killers Around the World: The Global Dimensions of Serial Murder
Serial Killers Around the World: The Global Dimensions of Serial Murder compiles serial murder case studies from several countries - from Australia to Great Britain and from Japan to Pakistan. The author has covered accounts on a wide array of serial killers including some well known felons namely Jack the Ripper The Butcher of Mons Martin & Marie Dumollard as well as some of the lesser known serial slayers such as Daisy DeMelker Yoshio Kodaira Javed Iqbal and many more. The book highlights six dimensions of each case: the killer(s) the serial murders other crimes communication the investigation and trial and punishment of the accused.
Readers both general and aspiring criminologists alike will find Serial Killers Around the World an interesting resource for critical information on serial murders committed in nations around the world.

Sets and Ordered Structures
This e-book presents several basic methods and results of order theory that are currently used in various branches of mathematics. It presents topics that require a broad explanation in a concise and attractive way. Readers will easily identify problems/techniques/solutions without the frustration of long searches through previous notations definitions and results. It begins with a sketch of axiomatic set theory and of the theory of categories. The fundamentals of the order relation are presented including several properties equivalent to the axiom of choice and culminating with well-ordered sets and transfinite numbers. This e-book also explains: (1) The complete existential theory of the various distinguished elements which a partially ordered set may possess (2) The proof of the equivalence with the axiom of choice of 14 frequently used properties(3) The fact that certain properties of ordinals are revealed as being just properties of well-ordered sets and (4) The presentation of ordinals and cardinals both in axiomatic setting and following von Neumann's construction. Proofs are given in detail along with numerous examples and exercises illustrating the theory and demonstrating applications. Several classes of lattices closure operators and Galois connections include tools which serve as prerequisites to universal algebra. Other topics include embeddings and topological duality for distributive lattices. The e-book serves both as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students and as a reference book for mathematicians working in fields different from set theory or algebra to whom it provides a quick access to basic facts from order theory.

Sex Steroids and Apoptosis In Skeletal Muscle: Molecular Mechanisms
This monograph focuses on the actions exerted by sex hormones 17β-estradiol and testosterone in skeletal muscle tissue. An important consideration of this volume is the fact that both estrogen receptors (ERs) and androgen receptors (ARs) are ubiquitously expressed and as a result steroid hormones affect growth and different cell functions in several organs. Moreover ERs and ARs may have a non-classical pattern of intracellular localizations raising complexity to the functional roles of estradiol and testosterone.
Readers will find key information about the role of sex hormones in mitochondrial physiology and their relation with ageing apoptosis and sarcopenia. Chapters integrate important points with the latest information on the subject including work of leading researchers studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the age-linked changes in muscle tissue while highlighting the role of satellite cells.
Furthermore the book presents a chapter about phytoestrogens (compounds which are structurally very similar to estrogen 17β-estradiol) and their selective action on sex steroid receptors (specifically they have a higher affinity for ERβ receptors than ERα receptors).
The book is recommended reading for scientists and clinicians involved in the field of medical and health sciences as well as for scholarly readers (students of biochemistry and medicine) who are interested in the molecular mechanism of cellular apoptosis regulated by steroid hormones.

Silicon Based Thin Film Solar Cells
Silicon Based Thin Film Solar Cells explains concepts related to technologies for silicon (Si) based photovoltaic applications. Topics in this book focus on ‘new concept’ solar cells. These kinds of cells can make photovoltaic power production an economically viable option in comparison to the bulk crystalline semiconductor technology industry. A transition from bulk crystalline Si solar cells toward thin-film technologies reduces usage of active material and introduces new concepts based on nanotechnologies. Despite its importance the scientific development and understanding of new solar cells is not very advanced and educational resources for specialized engineers and scientists are required.
This textbook presents the fundamental scientific aspects of Si thin films growth technology together with a clear understanding of the properties of the material and how this is employed in new generation photovoltaic solar cells.
The textbook is a valuable resource for graduate students working on their theses young researchers and all people approaching problems and fundamental aspects of advanced photovoltaic conversion.

Similarity Measures for Face Recognition
Face recognition has several applications including security such as (authentication and identification of device users and criminal suspects) and in medicine (corrective surgery and diagnosis). Facial recognition programs rely on algorithms that can compare and compute the similarity between two sets of images.
This eBook explains some of the similarity measures used in facial recognition systems in a single volume. Readers will learn about various measures including Minkowski distances Mahalanobis distances Hansdorff distances cosine-based distances among other methods. The book also summarizes errors that may occur in face recognition methods.
Computer scientists "facing face" and looking to select and test different methods of computing similarities will benefit from this book. The book is also useful tool for students undertaking computer vision courses.

Simplifying Complexity: Life is Uncertain, Unfair and Unequal
In life we often face unavoidable complexities in terms of our ability to understand or influence outcomes. Some questions which arise due to these complexities are: Why cant the future be made certain? Why do the some people or events always end up at the center of controversy? Why do only a select few get ahead of their peers? Each question pertains to three central elements of complexities and these elements are: uncertainty inequality and unfairness.
Simplifying Complexity explains the scientific study of complex cognitive networks as well as the methods scientists use to parse difficult problems into manageable pieces. Readers are introduced to scientific methodology and thought processes followed by a discourse on perspectives on the three elements of complexity through concepts such as normal and non-normal statistics scaling and complexity management.
Simplifying Complexity combines basic cognitive science and scientific philosophy for both advanced students (in the fields of sociology cognitive science complex networks and change management) and for general readers looking for a more scientific guide to understanding and managing the nature of change in a complex world.

Skeletal Muscle Health in Metabolic Diseases
Skeletal Muscle Health in Metabolic Diseases explores the vital role of skeletal muscle in regulating energy metabolism and its interactions with other organs such as the liver and brain in the context of metabolic diseases like obesity diabetes and fatty liver disease. This comprehensive guide covers how metabolic disorders impact muscle glucose metabolism liver function and brain health alongside the effects of nutrition and exercise on carbohydrate metabolism. Readers will gain insights into the mechanisms underlying muscle atrophy oxidative stress and cellular damage caused by these conditions.
Key Features:
- In-depth analysis of skeletal muscle’s role in whole-body metabolism and metabolic disease.
- Exploration of metabolic dysfunction in relation to liver and brain health.
- Insight into the impact of diet and physical activity on muscle and carbohydrate metabolism.
- Examination of muscle atrophy and cellular changes in metabolic disorders.

Skin and Psyche
Practicing dermatologists are likely to encounter several patients who have psychological difficulties in dealing with various skin conditions. While there are several factors that might be responsible for these difficulties (such as physical and mental stress) it is becoming increasingly clear nowadays that skin disease patients experiencing such issues need to be managed with a multidisciplinary approach to improve treatment outcomes.
Skin and the Psyche delves into the realm of psychodermatology – the cusp of dermatology psychology and psychiatry. The book enhances the reader´s knowledge about relevant topics such as the biology of the skin the impact of stress on skin inflammation acne vulgaris skin diseases secondary to delusions and other psychiatric diseases psoriasis and much more. Different forms of non-pharmacological treatments of these diseases are also mentioned. The book also contains a concise guide to building a psychodermatology clinic.
Skin and the Psyche is a vital reference for dermatologists hospital managers and psychiatrists looking for tips to improve their ability to interact with individuals while assisting them to cope with dermatological diseases and conditions.

Smart Antennas: Recent Trends in Design and Applications
This reference provides the reader with focused information about microstrip antenna design and applications. Readers are first introduced to the basic design of microstrip antennas. Subsequent chapters explain how microstrip antennas are suitable for practical applications. These chapters cover topics such as fractal and defected ground structure antennas microstrip antenna evaluation and the use of microstrip antennas in mobile communications and IoT applications. Scholars researchers and industrial professionals involved in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering as well as instrumentation will benefit from the information given in this book.

Smart Home and Industrial IoT Devices: Critical Perspectives on Cyberthreats, Frameworks and Protocols
Smart Home and Industrial IoT Devices: Critical Perspectives on Cyber Threats Frameworks and Protocols provides an in-depth examination of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its profound impact on smart homes and industrial systems. The book begins by exploring the significance of IoT in smart homes followed by an analysis of emerging cyber threats targeting smart homes and cyber-physical systems. It presents AI and machine learning-based frameworks for monitoring water quality and managing irrigation in agriculture highlighting their role in IoT ecosystems. The text also discusses a framework to mitigate cyber-attacks on robotic systems and introduces a multinomial naive Bayesian classifier for analyzing smart IoT devices. Dataflow analysis and modeling experiments are detailed along with a comparison of IoT communication protocols using anomaly detection and security assessment. The book concludes with a discussion on efficient lightweight intrusion detection systems and a unique taxonomy for IoT frameworks. This book is ideal for students researchers and professionals seeking to understand and secure IoT environments.