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Laminar Drag Reduction
The phenomenon of resistance to motion through a fluid is believed to be a function of fluid-wall interaction. This theory is based on the assumption that under certain conditions a real fluid does not usually slip on the wall in contact with it and displays laminar flow. This set of conditions is known as a no slip boundary condition. But if a fluid is passed alongside a wall the drag reduction in the laminar flow region can be calculated. In Laminar Drag Reduction the frictional drag of an internal or an external fluid flow along a certain kind of hydrophobic wall is investigated. An analytic approach towards the mechanism of drag reduction is employed using Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness equations. The experimental results presented in this book show that frictional drag of a fluid alongside this hydrophobic wall decreases in comparison with fluid flow along a conventional wall or surface.
This form of laminar drag reduction represents a relatively new area of research where the laminar flow can be controlled by microscopic surface modifications allowing fluid flows to slip over a wall. Laminar Drag Reduction brings information about some interesting phenomena related to fluid slippage on a highly water-repellent surface. Readers physics graduates and senior researchers alike can benefit from the information presented in this book to tackle more challenging questions in fluid mechanics research.

Laser Optofluidics in Fighting Multiple Drug Resistance
This monograph is a collection of reviews that presents results obtained from new and somewhat unconventional methods used to fight multiple drug resistance (MDR) acquired by microorganisms and tumours. Two directions are considered: (i) the modification of non-antibiotic medicines by exposure to un-coherent or laser optical radiation to obtain photoproducts that receive bactericidal or possibly tumouricidal properties and (ii) the development of new vectors (micrometric droplets of solutions containing medicinal agents) to transport medicines to targets based on optical and micro spectroscopic methods.
Chapters shed light on pendant droplets used for antibiotic drug delivery the science of lasers and their interactions with fluids in pendant droplets and spectroscopic analyses of droplets used to treat MDR infections. It therefore equips researchers and medical professionals with information about tools that enable them to respond to medical emergencies in challenging environments.
The intended readership for this monograph includes graduate students medical doctors fluid physicists biologists photochemists and experts in drug delivery methods employed in extreme conditions (such as those found in outer space and hypergravity conditions) who are learning about using techniques such as laser spectroscopy biophotonics and optofluidics/microfluidics.

Laser Surface Treatments for Tribological Applications
This reference presents comprehensive information about laser surface treatments for tribological applications. Chapters of the book highlight the importance of laser technology in modifying materials to optimize the effects of friction and lubrication by explaining a range of surface modification methods used in industries. These methods include hardening melting alloying cladding and texturing. The knowledge in the book is intended to give an in-depth understanding about the role of laser technology in tribology and the manufacture of industrial materials and surfaces for special applications.
Key Features:
- 10 chapters on topics relevant to tribology and industrial applications of laser material processing
- Comprehensively covers laser surface modification of metals and alloys
- Explains a wide range of surface modification methods (hardening melting alloying cladding and texturing)
- Covers material and tribological characterization of surfaces
- Presents information in a simple structured layout for easy reading with introductory notes for learners
- Provides references for further reading
This book is an ideal reference for students and learners in courses related to engineering manufacturing and materials science. Researchers industrial professionals and general readers interested in laser assisted machining processes and surface modification techniques will also find the book to be an informative reference on the subject.

Lean Management Solutions for Contemporary Manufacturing Operations
Lean Management Solutions for Contemporary Manufacturing Operations: Applications in the automotive industry covers recent techniques aimed at improving manufacturing activities in automotive factories in the time of the fourth industrial revolution. The book informs the reader about some improvements in hard skills (such as technical concepts new tools processes and applied designs) as well as soft skills (strategic planning and the psychology of motivating human resources in manufacturing setups). The book also presents insight for managers who are working with a niche of employees with disabilities with respect to the automotive industry.
Topics in the book include:
Application of Graph Theory in Workplace Design
Applied Design
Disability and the 4th Industrial Revolution
People Development Motivation & Results
Low Cost Logistics Solutions
Agile Methodologies in Manufacturing Projects
This book is a concise informative reference which updates the reader on recent strategies to maximize productivity in the auto manufacturing sector.

Learning Why and How: A Reader in Managing Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations
Publications on non profit management reflect three main trends. Some books describe the nonprofit experience in different countries focusing on how these experiences reflect the case of a particular organization in its specific cultural context. These case studies provide an interesting but not representative documentation of the issues to be discussed. On the opposite end other books introduce theoretical approaches and conceptual models that investigate the emergence of the nonprofit phenomenon in a comparative way. Finally some other books focus on developing the understanding and provide the guidelines on specific themes e.g. accountability change marketing etc. Learning Why and How in contrast to the above accounts for a comprehensive view of the organizational complexity of management in the nonprofit sector.
This e-book provides a systemic view of nonprofit organizations linking micro and macro level aspects of management. It combines sociological organizational and psychological elements of organization studies and provides an in-depth understanding of various issues and dilemmas among readers students and executives of nonprofit organizations and civil society.

Lecture Notes in Numerical Analysis with Mathematica
" Lecture Notes in Numerical Analysis with Mathematica" highlights most of the important algorithms and their solved examples by Mathematica.
The contents of this book include chapters on floating point computer arithmetic natural and generalized interpolating polynomials uniform approximation numerical integration polynomial splines and many more.
This book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students in institutes colleges universities and academies who want to specialize in this field. The readers will develop a solid understanding of the concepts of numerical methods and their application. The inclusion of Lagrane and Hermite approximation by polynomials Trapezian rule Simpsons rule Gauss methods and Romberg`s methods with illustrative examples is a valuable resource for the readers. Each chapter ends with examples and test questions.

Lifestyle Diseases in Adolescents: Addressing Physical, Emotional, and Behavioral Issues
Lifestyle diseases and related conditions present a major healthcare challenge for children posing a significant threat to their well-being. The Editors have compiled chapters to present a multicentric approach to the subject.
This book is an insightful reference on lifestyle diseases and its management in adolescents. It includes twelve topics with a focus on physical emotional and behavioral aspects of lifestyle diseases. Starting with an introduction to lifestyle issues that can manifest into disease states the book progresses to advanced topics including emotional and cognitive developments effects of mass media ranging from emotional and cognitive health nutrition requirements and eating disorders physical inactivity eating and sleeping patterns drug and alcohol-abuse social behavior anxiety and mental health.
The book highlights the risk factors and determinants of these diseases and where an immediate intervention is needed. An updated understanding of the diseases with scientific references gives readers crucial information for setting the groundwork for long-term public health policy formulation.
This book serves as a primary resource for scholars and trainees in nursing medical (pediatrics and endocrinologists) and paramedical courses who are required to understand lifestyle diseases with a focus on adolescents. Readers and professionals in public health life-sciences and related disciplines can also use this as a secondary reference.

Lifestyle Diseases in Adolescents: Diseases, Disorders, and Preventive Measures
Lifestyle diseases and related conditions present a major healthcare challenge for children posing a significant threat to their well-being. The Editors have compiled chapters to present a multicentric approach to the subject.
This book is an insightful reference on lifestyle diseases and its management in adolescents. It includes ten chapters with a focus on systemic disorders that are linked to lifestyle issues. Topics in this volume include gut microbiome and gastrointestinal disorders neurological disorders dental diseases respiratory diseases and allergies associated with pesticides cancer hypertension cardiovascular disorders diabetes polycystic ovarian syndrome and common infectious diseases.
The book highlights the risk factors and determinants of these diseases and where an immediate intervention is needed. An updated understanding of the diseases with scientific references gives readers crucial information for setting the groundwork for long-term public health policy formulation.
This book serves as a primary resource for scholars and trainees in nursing medical (pediatrics and endocrinology) and paramedical courses who are required to understand lifestyle diseases with a focus on adolescents. Readers and professionals in public health life-sciences and related disciplines can also use this as a secondary reference.

Light Harvesting Nanomaterials
Mankinds search for alternative energy sources to oil and gas reserves has been fueled by increasing energy demands and technological developments. Today the prospect of harvesting energy from new sources is a major issue in scientific and economic discourse and will remain to be so in the future decades to come. Sunlight is known as a reliable and renewable energy source which can be utilized to meet forthcoming energy demand if it is exploited in an efficient manner. Light harvesting nanomaterials represent one way in which this can be achieved through biomimetics or artificially designed supramolecular structures. This eBook brings together facts about the underlying principles and theory about light harvesting systems. It presents interdisciplinary research work with emphasis on nanoscale objects used to harvest light.
Light Harvesting Nanomaterials details a broad range of systems including solar cells which involve hybrid materials to durable tetrapyrrolic sensitizers and other nanopolymer based systems. This eBook is a valuable reference for advanced readers interested in novel technologies that utilize light energy for functional and technical benefits.

Liquid Crystal Light Modulators: Revised Edition
This brief monograph provides reports on liquid crystal materials used for specific devices designed for industrial applications. The authors of each chapter present insights on the design and technical aspects of the manufacturing of advanced liquid crystal light modulators reflecting their experience in advanced liquid crystal materials science.
Chapters in the book first introduce readers to the chemistry and basic materials science of liquid crystal light modulators with information important for practical situations such as custom manufacturing and material quality assessment (including the determination of Frank elastic constants). Subsequent chapters cover a selection of interesting projects where liquid crystal light modulators are applied such as: a highly transparent laser damage resistant liquid crystal phase modulators for space-borne laser rangefinders; a dynamic optical filter designed for visualization of air pollution; a high contrast fast operating outdoor light shutter for the eye protection of welders.
Readers will gain an awareness of the peculiarities of the liquid crystalline matter along with the complexity of the design and fabrication of active optical elements as the information provided in this volume presents detailed practical results of the liquid crystal technology projects.

Liutex-based and Other Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Methods for Turbulence Structure
The knowledge of quantitative turbulence mechanics relies heavily upon the definition of the concept of a vortex in mathematical terms. This reference work introduces the reader to Liutex which is an accepted accurate and mathematical definition of a vortex. The core of this book is a compilation of several papers on the subject. presented in the 13th World Congress of Computational Mechanics (WCCM2018) Symposium 704 Mathematics and Computations for Multiscale Structures of Turbulent and Other Complex Flows New York United States on July 27 2018. This compilation also includes other research papers which explain the work done on the vortex definition vortex identification and turbulence structure from different insight angles including mathematics computational physics and experiments.
The thirteen chapters in this volume will be informative to scientists and engineers who are interested in advanced theories about fluid dynamics vortex science and turbulence research.

Local Anesthesia and Extractions for Dental Students: Simple Notes and Guidelines
This textbook presents basic principles of local anesthesia and exodontia for undergraduate dental program students and dental surgeons in training. Readers will understand key concepts and points that prepare them for daily oral and maxillofacial surgery practice. The book also provides detailed notes for managing patients who have different medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases endocrine disorders and systemic diseases.
Key Features:
- provides an easy to understand short note format of information for readers
- covers the basics of anesthesia and pain biology
- covers simple extractions to complex surgical extractions
- presents guidelines for managing patients with medical complications

Localized Micro/Nanocarriers for Programmed and On-Demand Controlled Drug Release
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the localized drug delivery system landscape. The 10 chapters provide a detailed introduction in polymers nanostructures and nanocomposites for developing localized controlled drug delivery systems (LCDDSs) in the form of stimuli-responsive delivery systems targeted drug delivery systems or the combination of both. A discussion on manufacturing techniques optimization challenges and adaptation of LCDDSs for the treatment of a wide range of diseases is also included.
This simple and informative resource conveys an understanding about designing novel drug delivery systems to students in advanced pharmacology biotechnology materials science and biochemistry study programs. Readers will be equipped with the knowledge of regulating drug release rates to get a desired pharmacological profile that helps a researcher to ensure a high therapeutic effectiveness.
The detailed information about various drug delivery systems and a compilation of recent literature sources also paves the way for research scholars to construct a drug targeting framework for their research plans.

Lumbar Spine
Contemporary Endoscopic Spine Surgery brings the reader the most up-to-date information on the endoscopy of the spine. Key opinion leaders from around the world have come together to present the clinical evidence behind their competitive endoscopic spinal surgery protocols. Chapters in the series cover a range of aspects of spine surgery including spinal pain generators preoperative workup with modern independent predictors of favorable clinical outcomes with endoscopy anesthesia in an outpatient setting management of complications and a fresh look at technology advances in a historical context. The reader will have a first-row seat during the illustrative discussions of expanded surgical indications from herniated disc to more complex clinical problems including stenosis instability and deformity in patients with advanced degenerative disease of the human spine. Contemporary Endoscopic Spine Surgery is divided into three volumes: Cervical Spine Lumbar Spine and Advanced Technologies to capture an accurate snapshot in time of this fast-moving field. It is intended as a comprehensive go-to reference text for surgeons in graduate residency and postgraduate fellowship training programs and for practicing spine surgeons interested in looking for the scientific foundation for their practice expansion into endoscopic surgery.
This volume (Lumbar Spine) covers the following topics in 18 detailed chapters:
Lumbar endoscopy: historical perspectives present and future
Endoscopic lumbar discectomy - anatomy nomenclature indications and advanced techniques
Current approaches for the treatment of endstage vacuum degenerative lumbar disc disease
Advanced endoscopic techniques of lumbar foraminotomy and treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis
Endoscopic treatment of lumbar facet cysts Endoscopic techniques for the treatment of a wide range of chronic low back pain
Endoscopic spine surgery techniques in the elderly Endoscopic fusion techniques
Endoscopic resection of schwannoma
Technical notes for difficult cases controversies and complications of lumbar endoscopy.

Lung Function In Health And Disease: Basic Concepts of Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology
This reference presents basic concepts relevant to respiratory function in normal and diseased states.The volume stresses a quantitative approach to physical parameters used as indicators of normal and diseased physiological respiratory function. The contents of this reference allow medical students and physiology researchers to become "clinical detectives" - by presenting information that can be useful for enhancing their understanding of the major abnormalities in terms of ventilation pulmonary blood perfusion venous admixture wasted alveolar ventilation tissue oxygenation acid-base balance respiratory mechanics control of breathing etc.
This book is intended for first and second year medical students as well as for residents and fellows especially in disciplines such as anesthesiology and pulmonary medicine. In addition the unique mechanistic approach of this book also provides a useful reference for teachers of respiratory physiology who are not involved in respiratory research or those who have not been specifically trained in organ-system physiology. This book thus fills this gap by providing a modern physiology faculty some tools for learning the "nuts-and-bolts" of lung physiology and associated respiratory care.

The Latest Trends in Sleep Medicine
The field of sleep medicine has gone through tremendous evolution since the discovery of REM sleep in 1953 and remarkable research in recent years has led to multiple advances in sleep medicine. Approvals for new medicines for treating sleep disorders along with new evidence-based interventions for insomnia and sleep apnea have transformed sleep medicine into a medical specialty in its own right.
The Latest Trends in Sleep Medicine reviews the most important improvements in sleep medicine with contributions from over fifteen international and respected experts in the discipline. Ten chapters cover topics of interest to healthcare professionals who are focused on somnology such as the management of sleep disorders restless leg syndrome sleep apnea medication and surgery REM sleep behavior disorder and cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. In addition to these topics in medicine the contributors present broader picture of sleep medicine by reviewing secondary topics such as sleep and aging and driving safety.
The Latest Trends in Sleep Medicine will be useful to healthcare professionals seeking to improve their understanding about contemporary sleep medicine. It also serves as a timely update for respiratory and sleep medicine clinicians whose efforts are still needed in treating and improving the quality and length of life in patients with complex sleep disorders.
Healthcare professionals residents and students in general respiratory and sleep medicine sub specialties.