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Volume 5, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 2452-2716
  • E-ISSN: 2452-2724


For the past two decades, environmentally friendly natural rubber composites and nanocomposites reinforced with renewable and biodegradable natural fillers have attracted the increasing attention of polymer researchers from both industrial and environmental viewpoints. The use of bio-based fillers in rubber materials has emerged as extremely promising in the progress of green rubber technology. The dispersion of bio-based fillers within the rubber matrix is the key parameter that decides the overall performance of bio-based rubber composites. An important criterion for obtaining superior properties in rubber composites is good interfacial adhesion between natural fillers and natural rubber matrix, along with good dispersion and distribution of fillers within the matrix. Natural fillers represent materials that are environmentally friendly, easily available, comprising of valuable lignocellulosic fractions and are from a bio-based feedstock. Recent developments in this area focus on renewable fillers such as cellulose, chitin and lignin in their micro and nanoforms. Additionally, recent studies have focused on the use of different types of biomass residue wastes in rubber composites with a view to adapting to the recent circular economy principles. This review presents an overview of various studies and highlights the area of bio-based filler reinforced natural rubber composites and also discusses the applications of such materials in industrial sectors.


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  • Article Type:
    Review Article
Keyword(s): biomass; chitin; composites; lignin; natural fibres; Natural rubber
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