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image of Cardio-metabolic Disorders Affected by Genetic Polymorphisms Related to Premature Menopause



Premature menopause (PM) is defined as the end of ovulation before the age of 40 years, a condition commonly referred to as primary ovarian insufficiency. It has been shown there is an association between early menopause and a high risk of cardiovascular disease.


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of genetic polymorphisms related to premature menopause on cardio-metabolic disorders


We aimed to investigate the single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with PM and the risk of cardio-metabolic disorders in the MASHAD cohort study.


In this cross-sectional study, a total of 117 women with PM were recruited and compared with 183 healthy women. All participants were assessed for anthropometric indices and genotyped for eight selected polymorphisms within seven different genes.


A significant difference was observed in physical activity level (PAL) between the groups. Individuals with rs4806660 CC genotype had a 3.63-fold increased risk of metabolic syndrome. Moreover, individuals with a TT genotype of the rs2303369 polymorphism had a 3.11-fold increased risk of obesity.


Our findings showed that genetic variations are risk factors related to cardio-metabolic disorders in women with premature menopause.


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  • Article Type:
    Research Article
Keywords: genetic ; variant ; Polymorphism ; cohort ; cardiovascular ; premature menopause
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