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Volume 2, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2666-1217
  • E-ISSN: 2666-1225


The health challenges associated with cassava products as a common staple food for approximately 70 % of Africans and part of Asia pose a looming danger due to enterotoxins’ presence in the processing environment.

This study investigated the presence of enterotoxigenic genes, namely, enterotoxin T (), hemolysin bl (, ), and non-haemolytic enterotoxin (, , and ) from species isolated from soil of cassava processing environment.

Soil samples from 20 cassava processing sites in Ile-Ife and Modakeke, Nigeria, were collected and cultured on nutrient agar at 37ºC for 24 hours. Colonies phenotypically identified as were identified using -specific -targeted PCR technique. Screened spp were assessed for the presence of enterotoxigenic genes using PCR with previously reported primers.

A total of 100 isolates were selected from this study, with (33 %) showing the highest frequency of occurrence among the identified species, however, 74 isolates were molecularly confirmed as . Amongst the 74 molecularly confirmed isolates, 28 (37.84 %), 35 (47.30 %), and 37 (50 %) had , , and genes, respectively. Investigation showed that 42 (56.76 %) of the species encoded at least one of the screened enterotoxin genes.

The presence of these 3 sets of enterotoxin genes in isolated from cassava processing sites calls for immediate attention as they could be pivotal in the release of toxins in cassava products, causing lethal effects consumption. This study demonstrates the possibility of foodborne disease outbreaks in toxin-laden cassava products processed under unhygienic conditions.


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