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image of Ayurvedic Approaches to Managing Premature Greying of Hair: A Comprehensive Review


Premature Greying of Hair (PGH) is attributed to reduced melanin levels and melanocyte degeneration, with conventional chemical treatments often linked to serious health risks, such as cancer and nephrotoxicity. This review introduces Ayurvedic remedies as a novel, natural approach for PGH, targeting the condition by rebalancing Bhrājaka Pitta. Central to this approach is the innovative Vedic plant taxonomy, a unique classification system based on ancient principles that ensures precise identification of Ayurvedic herbs, significantly advancing the accuracy and effectiveness of plant-based therapies for hair pigmentation. Major herbs like Bhṛñgarāja (Eclipta prostrata), Yaṣṭimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Āmrāsthi (Mangifera indica), Vibhītakī (Terminalia bellirica), Japākusuma (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), and many others mentioned in classical texts for their ability to stimulate melanogenesis, strengthen hair follicles, and restore pigmentationare highlighted for their distinctive therapeutic properties. Integrating Vedic taxonomy with Ayurveda’s holistic remedies establishes a groundbreaking framework for PGH treatment and sets these natural therapies apart from conventional options. By enabling accurate plant identification, Vedic taxonomy facilitates the seamless integration of traditional plant knowledge into modern scientific frameworks, serving as a transformative tool for researchers and taxonomists. With rising interest in natural alternatives, these ancient Ayurvedic solutions, rich in active compounds such as alkaloids and flavonoids, offer a safe, effective, and innovative approach to PGH management. This review, thus, positions Vedic taxonomy and Ayurvedic remedies at the forefront of cosmetic science, bridging timeless wisdom with therapeutic innovation to redefine hair care.


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  • Article Type:
    Review Article
Keywords: antioxidants ; etiopathogenesis ; vedic plant taxonomy ; Grey hair ; melanin ; Āyurveda
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