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image of Experimental and Statistical Assessment of the Interaction of Ether and Naphthalene-based Superplasticizers with Concrete



The significant concerns surrounding the interaction between cement and superplasticizers have led to several challenges in the performance of concrete in real-world applications. This study investigates the interaction between different types of cement and superplasticizers and presents findings on their compatibility. Additionally, various interactions between cement and superplasticizers are utilized to assess the strength and durability properties of concrete.


Three distinct types of superplasticizers were utilized: sulfonated naphthalene (SNF), polycarboxylic ether (PCE), and polymeric ether (PME) based superplasticizers, in combination with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC). Multiple concrete mixes with varying addition times of these superplasticizers were prepared and evaluated for their fresh and hardened concrete characteristics, including workability, strength, and sorptivity, among others. Moreover, statistical analyses concerning different combinations of superplasticizers and cement, as well as varying addition times, were conducted to assess their respective impacts on concrete qualities.


The findings of the hypothesis testing indicated a substantial correlation between the delayed addition time of PPC mixes and variables, such as compressive strength and workability, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.95 to 0.98. Conversely, the correlation between these variables and OPC mixes was not found to be entirely significant (r; 0.85-0.89).


The established relationship indicated an improvement in the properties of fresh concrete due to enhanced compatibility between different superplasticizers and cement, potentially aiding in the selection of optimal superplasticizer-cement combinations and addition times for superplasticizers.


In the present study, numerous interactions between cement and superplasticizer are utilized to assess the strength and durability characteristics of the concrete.


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  • Article Type:
    Research Article
Keywords: PPC ; superplasticizer ; F-test ; Concrete ; student’s t-test ; OPC ; compressive strength ; durability
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