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Volume 3, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0250-6882
  • E-ISSN: 0250-6882



Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS syndrome) is a rare, T-cell mediated hypersensitivity reaction that develops secondary to a drug reaction. Several drugs have been associated with DRESS syndrome, most commonly carbamazepine. The mechanism is not clearly understood. It is a life-threatening condition that can present with skin rash, hematologic abnormalities, lymphadenopathy, and organ failure.

Case Presentation

The authors report a case of 43-year-old gentleman who developed DRESS syndrome secondary to lamotrigine and was found to have EBV reactivation. Patient was managed with supportive care; topical steroids and the culprit drug were discontinued. He had full recovery almost 2 weeks following treatment. DRESS syndrome can occur 2 weeks following exposure to an offending drug in susceptible individuals.


Lamotrigine and EBV reactivation are not frequently reported in patients with DRESS syndrome. Therefore, physicians should be vigilant about this rare drug related hypersensitivity reaction in order to prevent life threatening complications.

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