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Volume 20, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1573-4056
  • E-ISSN: 1875-6603



Transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasonography has become a widely used investigative method in the diagnostic workup of endometriosis, as well as for the postoperative follow-up. The variety of lesions, the distorted anatomy caused by adhesions and the fibrosis process represent the main challenges of the ultrasound evaluation. Regarding the recurrence of endometriosis, the diagnostic criteria are being imprecise, being adjusted according to the development of ultrasound techniques.

Objective and Methods

To this study, extensive research has been performed interrogating PubMed, Embase and Web of Science databases to identify published research including patients with endometriosis who underwent surgery. Included patients had postoperative ultrasound investigations to detect evidence of endometriosis recurrence. The selected timeframe was 5 years. We conducted a literature review on ultrasound markers of endometriosis recurrence.


In this analysis, 2023 patients from 9 studies were included. The recurrence rate detected was 17.26%. The postoperative treatment was different in the selected studies and they include the administration of progesterone, oral combined contraceptives, GnRh antagonists, aromatase inhibitors and intrauterine devices with prolonged release of progesterone.


The recurrence rate is different in the selected studies as a result of the recurrence definition used by each author and the minimum dimension of the lesions, in case of the cystic pattern. Innovative techniques of differential diagnosis by ultrasound are proposed, one of them being the textural analysis performed by computer-aided diagnosis – CAD. In order to standardize the recommendations regarding imaging techniques, we propose an algorithm for following up with patients in the postoperative period.


The transabdominal or endovaginal ultrasound performed regularly represents a key factor to determine the recurrence of endometriosis in the postoperative period and the imaging reassessment is recommended to be performed at a 6-month interval.

© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Bentham Science Publisher. This is an open access article published under CC BY 4.0

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  • Article Type:
    Review Article
Keyword(s): Diagnosis; Disease; Endometriosis; Postoperative; Recurrence; Ultrasound
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