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image of Investigation of the Expression and Regulation of SCG5 in the Context of the Chromogranin-Secretogranin Family in Malignant Tumors


The SCG5 gene has been demonstrated to play an essential role in the development and progression of a range of malignant neoplasms. The regulation of SCG5 expression involves multiple biological pathways. According to relevant studies, SCG5 is differentially expressed in different cancers, and its up- or down-regulation may even affect tumour growth, invasion, and migration, which caught our attention. Therefore, we summarise the regulatory roles played by the SCG5 gene in a variety of cancers and the biological regulatory mechanisms associated with its possible promotion or inhibition of tumour biological behavior, to further explore the potential of SCG5 as a new tumour marker and hopefully provide theoretical guidance for subsequent disease research and treatment.


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