oa Mammography and Ultrasonography Manifestations of Sclerosing Lymphocytic Lobulitis of the Breast: A Series of Seven Case Reports
- Source: Current Medical Imaging, Volume 20, Issue 1, Jan 2024, E040923220675
- 14 Jun 2023
- 18 Aug 2023
- 01 Jan 2024
The present study aimed to analyze mammography and ultrasonography (US) manifestations of sclerosing lymphocytic lobulitis (SLL) of the breast.
A total of 8 pathologically confirmed SLL lesions from seven women (with one patient having bilateral breast lesions) were included in the study. All patients underwent preoperative mammography and US examinations. The findings from both modalities were classified and compared to their corresponding clinical data.
Four patients were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Mammography results revealed that seven lesions presented as focal asymmetry or asymmetry. Seven lesions were observed as non-mass lesions on US examination. The most commonly observed US lesion features were as follows: seven lesions had focal non-ductal hypoechoic areas (87.5%), seven lesions exhibited posterior shadowing (87.5%), all lesions showed no vascularity or vessels in the rim (100%), no lesion had calcifications (0%), five lesions had an elasticity score of 3 (100%), one lesion showed retraction on the coronal plane (20%), and one lesion displayed a skipping sign on the coronal plane (20%). Based on these US findings, seven lesions (87.5%) were classified as BI-RADS 4.
The mammography findings for SLL are often nonspecific. However, the US features of SLL typically present as non-mass lesions. The absence of calcification and vascularity and no retraction on the coronal plane inside the lesion may help to differentiate this disease from the conventional forms of breast carcinoma.