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Volume 20, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1573-4056
  • E-ISSN: 1875-6603



Medical imaging plays a key role in neurosurgery; thereby, imaging and analysis of the soft and hard tissues during bone grinding is of paramount importance for neurosurgeons. Bone grinding, a minimally invasive operation in the field of neurosurgery amid osteotomy, has been used during brain cancer surgery.

Aims and Objectives

With increasing attention to neural tissue damage in machining operations, imaging of these neural tissues becomes vital and reducing temperature is imperative.


In the present study, a novel attempt has been made to perform the imaging of bone tissues during the bone grinding procedure and further investigate the relationship between rotational speed, feed rate, depth of cut with cutting forces, and temperature. The role of cutting forces and temperature has been addressed as per the requirements of neurosurgeons. Firstly, a three-factor, three-level design was constructed with a full factorial design. Regression models were employed to construct the models between input parameters and response characteristics. Medical imaging techniques were used to perform a thorough analysis of thermal necrosis and damage to the bone. Subsequently, the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-III) was used to optimize the parameters for reduction in the cutting forces and temperature during bone grinding while reducing neural tissue damage.


The results revealed that the maximum value of tangential force was 21.32 N, thrust force was 9.25 N, grinding force ratio was 0.453, torque was 4.55 N-mm, and temperature was 59.3°C. It has been observed that maximum temperature was generated at a rotational speed of 55000 rpm, feed rate of 60 mm/min, and depth of cut of 1.0 mm. Histopathological imaging analysis revealed the presence of viable lacunas, empty lacunas, haversian canals, and osteocytes in the bone samples. Furthermore, the elemental composition of the bone highlights the presence of carbon (c) 59.49%, oxygen (O) 35.82%, sodium (Na) 0.11%, phosphorous 1.50%, sulphur 0.33%, chlorine 0.98%, and calcium 1.77%.


The study revealed that compared to the initial scenario, NSGA-III can produce better results without compromising the trial results. According to a statistical study, the rise in temperature during bone grinding was significantly influenced by rotating speed. The density of osteocytes in the lacunas was higher at lower temperatures. Furthermore, the results of surface electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy revealed the presence of bone over the surface of the grinding burr, which resulted in the loading of the grinding burr. The results of the present investigation will be beneficial for researchers and clinical practitioners worldwide.

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