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- Volume 1, Issue 2, 2022
The Chinese Journal of Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1, Issue 2, 2022
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2022
Potential Use of Artificial Intelligence in a Healthcare System
Authors: Janvi S. Madhavi and Ojaskumar D. AgrawalArtificial Intelligence (AI) is a swiftly evolving branch of technology that has been used to improve clinical practice, minimize errors, and boost safety and efficiency worldwide; in almost every field. AI is used for machine-learning algorithms and techniques to replicate human cognition in the assessment, display, and interpretation of complicated medical and healthcare data. AI is surfacing and producing a discernible shift in the healthcare system by expanding the availability of data in healthcare and speeding up the development of analysis tools. Additionally, AI and its applications in healthcare have evolved and proved to be a boon. The pharmaceutical business, health services, medical institutes, and patients, not only doctors use the applications but also dermatology, echocardiography, surgery, and angiography are only a few applications. AI can improve healthcare systems without hesitation. Automating time-consuming tasks can free up clinicians' schedules so they can encounter patients. It is causing a radical shift in healthcare, attributed to the increasing availability of healthcare data and the rapid advancement of advanced analytics. Screening, monitoring, and medical and clinical investigations are all made easier by AI. Despite some of the obstacles and limitations that AI faces, this new technology has enormous potential in the medical field. Regarding their reduced size, electronic devices have become more powerful as technology has progressed. Currently, the COVID – 19 pandemic is propelling the digital age to unprecedented heights. On multiple fronts, Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being employed to combat the pandemic.
Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Care Management: Prospect and Protest
BackgroundArtificial intelligence postulates that computers will eventually supervise performing tasks through various pattern recognition with less or without human interventions and assistance. It appears to mimic human cognitive functions. Resembling the human brain, it receives various forms of raw data that are stored, aligned, surveyed, interpreted, analyzed, and converted to single processed data, making it easy to conclude and understand. Recently, in the digital world, machine learning, deep learning, neural network and AI applications are expanding widely, where humans have expertise.
MethodsA detailed literature survey was performed through an online database, such as ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, Scopus, Cochrane, and PubMed. The search keywords were Machine Learning OR Deep Learning OR Neural Networks OR Applications OR Pharmaceutical Innovations OR Technology OR Artificial Intelligence AND Pharmaceutical Sectors OR Clinical Pharmacology OR Healthcare OR Medical OR Pharmacovigilance OR Clinical Trials OR Regulatory OR Challenges. The literature search was limited to studies published in English.
ResultsIt was found that there is an immense growth of artificial intelligence in the sector of the pharmaceutical industry applied in drug discovery and drug development, clinical trials, and the pharmacovigilance sector. It has several clinical applications of AI as a tool in health care and biomedical research besides clinical practice. It also shows several challenges faced and methods to overcome them.
ConclusionAI has great potential and future as a valuable tool in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry by applying a scientific approach and averting real-life challenges.
Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of the Democratic Behavior of Swarm Robots
Authors: Andreas Hügli, Marco A. G. Pereira, Rolf Dornberger and Thomas HanneAimsThe purpose of this study is to determine under what conditions, such as noise and malfunction, successful consensus achievement in swarm robotics is possible.
BackgroundSwarm robots can be used to solve exploration problems, such as the best-of-n problem. Consensus achievement plays a crucial role as the swarm must collectively agree on a solution. This task can be even more challenging considering noise and malfunctioning or rogue agents.
ObjectiveThis study aims to determine how robust the consensus achievement algorithm is against noise and rogue agents, considering the effect of adding memory to the agents and further parameter tuning.
MethodsWe implement a baseline based on the democratic honeybees algorithm and investigate the performance and robustness of the consensus achievement during a number of computational experiments. In particular, the number of agents in the swarm, the number of iterations, the number of positions an agent can visit per iteration, the number of neighbors an agent shares its best option with, and the majority threshold defining the majority based on a fraction of agents in the swarm, and the minimum number of iterations to achieve consensus are investigated regarding their impact.
ResultsFor better performance, memory has been implemented so that each agent remembers and retains their previous highest quality score if no one better has been found in the current exploration phase. We show that the algorithm is viable and offers robustness in the considered scenarios when memory is added. In particular, we establish a baseline for the democratic honeybees algorithm and ascertain adequate parameter values to ensure the algorithm's best performance. The algorithm is sufficiently robust against noise, and to an extent, against rogue agents. Furthermore, parameter tuning also proved to help the swarm explore very large search spaces.
ConclusionThe consensus algorithm appears sufficiently effective under adverse conditions such as noise and rogue agents, especially when countermeasures are considered.
OtherFurther scenarios such as specific communication topologies could be investigated in future research.
A Variant Genetic Algorithm for a Specific Examination Timetabling Problem in a Japanese University
Authors: Jiawei Li and Tad GonsalvesBackgroundExamination Timetabling Problem that tries to find an optimal examination schedule for schools, colleges, and universities, is a well-known NP-hard problem. This paper presents a Genetic Algorithm variant approach to solve a specific examination timetabling problem common in Japanese colleges and universities.
MethodsThe proposed algorithm uses a direct chromosome representation Genetic Algorithm and implements constraint-based initialization and constraint-based crossover operations to satisfy the hard and soft constraints. An island model with varying crossover and mutation probabilities and an improvement approach called pre-training are applied to the algorithm to further improve the result quality.
ResultsThe proposed model is tested on synthetic as well as real datasets obtained from Sophia University, Japan and shows acceptable results. The algorithm was fine-tuned with different penalty point combinations and improvement combinations.
ConclusionThe comparison results support the idea that the initial population pre-training and the island model are effective approaches to improve the result quality of the proposed model. Although the current island model used only four islands, incorporating a greater number of islands, and some other diversity maintenance approaches such as memetic structures are expected to further improve the diversity and the result quality of the proposed algorithm on large scale problems.
Robust and Lightweight System for Gait-based Age Estimation towards Viewing Angle Variations
Authors: Jaychand Upadhyay, Tad Gonsalves and Vijay KatkarBackgroundIn computer vision applications, gait-based age estimation across several cameras is critical, especially when following the same person from various viewpoints.
IntroductionGait-based age recognition is a very challenging task as it involves multiple hurdles, such as a change in the viewpoint of the person. The proposed system handles this problem by performing a sequence of tasks, such as GEI formation from silhouette, applying DCT on GEI and extracting the features and finally using MLP for age estimation. The proposed system proves its effectiveness by comparing the performance with state-of-the-art methods, conventional methods and deep learning-based methods. The performance of the system is estimated on OU-MVLP and OULP-Age datasets. The experimental results show the robustness of the system against viewing angle variations.
ObjectiveThis study aimed to implement the system, which adopts a lightweight approach for gait-based age estimation.
MethodsThe proposed system uses a combination of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) on gait energy image (GEI) to perform age estimation.
ResultsThe performance of the system is extensively evaluated on the OU-MVLP and OULP-Age datasets.
ConclusionThe proposed system attains the best mean absolute error (MAE) of 5.05 (in years) for the OU-MVLP dataset and 5.65 for the OULP dataset.
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