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Volume 20, Issue 10
  • ISSN: 1573-4072
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Screening for novel bioactive compounds has become more critical since drug-resistant fungal infections have emerged and ethno-medicinal plants have been embarked as antifungal agents. The emphasis on medicinal plants has recently switched to the study of endophytes and their interactions with the host plant and screening of their antifungal activity. Endophytes are an endosymbiotic group of microorganisms that thrive within plant tissues without causing any symptoms or marking their presence. Endophytes have been looked into as potential resources for producing distinctive bioactive substances. The quest for bioactive natural compounds of endophytes isolated from higher plants is receiving a lot of interest from researchers worldwide, as seen by the recent surge in studies and publications on antifungal potential. This review aims to comprehend the role and applications of endophytes as a promising source of antifungal agents and enlighten on their most common mode of action.


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