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- Volume 9, Issue 1, 2016
Current Aging Science - Volume 9, Issue 1, 2016
Volume 9, Issue 1, 2016
Daily Melatonin Administration Attenuates Age-Dependent Disturbances of Cardiovascular Rhythms
Authors: Denis G. Gubin, Gennady D. Gubin, Ludmila I. Gapon and Dietmar WeinertIncreased blood pressure and reduced robustness of circadian rhythms are frequently reported in elderly subjects. The present study was aimed to investigate whether such changes can be reversed by daily melatonin ingestion. 97 normotensive and hypertensive volunteers of both genders and 63 to 91 years old participated. They lived in the Tyumen Elderly Veteran House on a self-chosen sleep-wake regimen to suit their person Read More
Age-Dependent Changes of the temporal Order - Causes and Treatment
Authors: Denis G. Gubin, Dietmar Weinert and Tatyana V. BolotnovaThis review summarizes current knowledge on deteriorations in temporal order with advanced age. Changes of the overt rhythms will be described but also their putative causes and possible treatments of the disturbances. In aging animals and humans, all rhythm characteristics change. The most prominent changes are a decrease of circadian amplitude, leading to an extra-circadian dissemination (ECD), and a diminished abi Read More
Age-Related Sleep Changes and its Implication in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Authors: Elena A. Lyashenko, Michael G. Poluektov, Oleg S. Levin and Polina V. PchelinaIn the article authors discuss the current data on sleep changes with aging focusing on the influence of age-related degenerative changes in orexin-containing and pacemaker brain areas. Pathophysiological mechanisms of sleep disturbances in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases have much in common with normal age neurophysiological changes. Maintenance of the sleep-promoting systems function could positively modify the Read More
Age-Related Sleep Disruption and Reduction in the Circadian Rhythm of Urine Output: Contribution to Nocturia?
Authors: Jeanne F. Duffy, Karine Scheuermaier and Kevin R. LoughlinAging is associated with a marked increase in sleep complaints, and one factor causing sleep disruption is waking to void (nocturia). Urological surveys have found that few young adults report nocturia symptoms, but about half of those in their 60’s and nearly 80% of older age groups are affected. Sleep surveys have found nocturia is a major cause of sleep disruption, with a majority of older adults with sleep disruption citi Read More
Age-associated Advance of Sleep Times Relative to the Circadian Phase of Alertness-sleepiness Rhythm: Can it be Explained by Changes in Ratios Between Strengths of the Underlying Oscillatory Processes?
More LessThe aging process is often associated with more or less prominent shifts of the entrained phases of behavioral and physiological rhythms at earlier clock hours, but the oscillatory mechanisms underlying these shifts have to be determined. The analysis of self-reports on home sleep times and self-scorings of sleepiness provided by 130 participants of sleep deprivation experiments revealed the difference between intro-individua Read More
Lower Frequency of co-Morbid Medical Disorders Related to Poor Impulse Control in Parkinson’s than Alzheimer’s Disease
Authors: Erin K. Saito, Natalie Diaz, Julia Morrow, Julia Chung and Aaron McMurtrayParkinson’s disease is associated with progressive degeneration of mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons that are involved in reward-based behavior learning, including rewarding effects of food consumption and drugs of abuse. The importance of this pathway in development of addictive behaviors led us to hypothesize that medical disorders related to poor impulse control may occur less frequently among patients with Pa Read More
Inhibition of Early Biochemical Defects in Prodromal Huntington’s disease by Simultaneous Activation of Nrf2 and Elevation of Multiple Micronutrients
Authors: Kedar N. Prasad and Stephen C. BondyHuntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive fatal dominant hereditary neurodegenerative disease of the brain, which primarily affects the cortex and the striatum. The disorder is typified by an expansion of more than 35 repeats of the nucleotide triplet cytosine- adenine-guanosine (CAG) which codes for the amino acid glutamine in the huntingtin gene. Despite studies of several decades, there are no effective means to block or Read More
Age-related Changes in Respiratory Function and Daily Living. A Tentative Model Including Psychosocial Variables, Respiratory Diseases and Cognition
Authors: David Facal and Francisco-Javier González-BarcalaChanges in respiratory function are common in older populations and affect quality of life, social relationships, cognitive function and functional capacity. This paper reviews evidence reported in medical and psychological journals between 2000 and 2014 concerning the impact of changes in respiratory function on daily living in older adults. A tentative model establishes relationships involving respiratory function, cognitive fun Read More
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