s New Approaches to Target Cancer Stem Cells: Current Scenario
- Source: Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 14, Issue 1, Jan 2014, p. 20 - 34
- 01 Jan 2014
Resistance towards chemotherapy and radiotherapy as well as relapse of cancer is the major obstacle in the treatment of cancer. The main factor behind is cancer stem cells (CSCs) which are more resistant to conventional chemotherapy, radiotherapy and are quite able to regenerate whole new tumor again if remain alive during treatment. Targeting CSCs along with actively dividing cancer cells may significantly contribute to the solution of the problem of resistance and relapse. Various approaches are implemented to eradicate CSCs which include CSC markers specific compounds, Drugs which disturb niche and various inhibitors/modulators of signaling pathways. Hedgehog (Hh), Wnt and Notch pathways are modulated/inhibited using various agents and shown beneficial results in multiple forms of cancer. Many inhibitors/modulators of these pathways have been entered in the clinical trials. MicroRNAs have also been developed as anti CSCs agents. In this review, we have covered current status of CSC targeting therapy based on CSC markers, CSC niche, Hedgehog, Wnt, Notch pathway along with MicroRNA based targeting strategies and possibility of implementation multi-targeted anti-CSC therapy for the better outcome of the results.