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Volume 10, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 2215-0838
  • E-ISSN: 2215-0846


Background: Various ayurvedic drugs have been widely explored for their therapeutic potencies since ancient times. One of the most significant medicinal plants is Curcuma longa, which is one of the different crude medications. It has a variety of beneficial pharmacological characteristics and has been a staple of Indian cooking for centuries. It exhibits antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, renal, and hepatoprotective activities. This review is an attempt to explore the various pharmacological properties of curcumin.Methods: This article presents a summary of the methodology available to study the pharmacological potential, chemical makeup, and organoleptic aspects of Curcuma longa (haldi).Results: For its therapeutic properties in Indian material medicine, Curcuma longa is welldocumented. The plant belongs to the genus Curcuma longa. The Zingiberaceae family includes Curcuma longa. Curcuma longa is widely used in cosmetics. It is considered the best anthelmintic property for GIT disorders. In many research papers, curcumin is the best anti-inflammatory agent. Curcumin is known for its synergistic effect against an anticancer agent. The usefulness of Curcuma longa as a preventative and curative measure is well established worldwide.Conclusion: At general, researchers must consider the experience, cost, and availability of the multidisciplinary research team, as well as the measures implemented in the institutions, in order to comprehend the benefits and drawbacks of each assessment method.


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  • Article Type:
    Review Article
Keyword(s): ayurvedic drugs; Curcuma longa; Curcumin; medications; medicinal plants; polyphenol
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