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Volume 31, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1381-6128
  • E-ISSN: 1873-4286


The advent of 3D printing technology has emerged as a key technical revolution in recent years, enabling the development and production of innovative medication delivery methods in the pharmaceutical sector. The designs, concepts, techniques, key challenges, and potential benefits during 3D-printing technology are the key points discussed in this review. This technology primarily enables rapid, safe, and low-cost development of pharmaceutical formulations during the conventional and additive manufacturing processes. This phenomenon has wide-ranging implications in current as well as future medicinal developments. Advanced technologies such as Ink-Jet printing, drop-on-demand printing, Zip dose, Electrohydrodynamic Printing (E- jet) ., are the current focus of the drug delivery systems for enhancing patient convenience and improving medication compliance. The current and future applications of various software, such as CAD software, and regulatory aspects in 3D and 4D printing technology are discussed briefly in this article. With respect to the prospective trajectory of 3D and 4D printing, it is probable that the newly developed methods will be predominantly utilized in pharmacies and hospitals to accommodate the unique requirements of individuals or niche groups. As a result, it is imperative that these technologies continue to advance and be improved in comparison to 2D printing in order to surmount the aforementioned regulatory and technical obstacles, render them applicable to a vast array of drug delivery systems, and increase their acceptability among patients of every generation.


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