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image of Beyond Insulin: A Deeper Dive into Pancreatic Disease


There are several different categories into which the etiology of pancreatic disease can be subdivided, including inflammation, neoplasia, endocrine dysfunction, and genetic disorders. A comprehensive understanding of the pathogenesis of pancreatitis is necessary for the development of appropriate management methods and therapies, as the disorder has a complicated underlying pathophysiology. Complications such as reduced digestive function, the formation of pseudocysts or abscesses, and ongoing pain are likely as the illness develops. The purpose of this review is to act as a knowledge base. This study aims to examine existing approaches to treating diabetes, including both cutting-edge and tried-and-true therapies. Based on the literature review, the authors discussed how pancreatic failure affected higher animals, explored how the pancreatic exocrine function affects adult and adolescent organism development, and gave an overview of all the conditions that directly affect pancreatic health. There was also a discussion of the link between obesity, lifestyle, nutrition, and pancreatic issues.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
Keywords: treatment ; glandular organ ; pancreas ; herbal ; Pancreatic Neoplasms ; Pancreatic diseases
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