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Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging-aided Diagnosis of Primary Essential Cutis Verticis Gyrata: A Case Report with 5-year Follow-up and Review of the Literature
- Source: Current Medical Imaging, Volume 15, Issue 9, Nov 2019, p. 906 - 910
- 01 Nov 2019
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Background: Cutis Verticis Gyrata (CVG) is a rare skin disease caused by overgrowth of the scalp, presenting as cerebriform folds and wrinkles. CVG can be classified into two forms: primary (essential and non-essential) and secondary. The primary non-essential form is often associated with neurological and ophthalmological abnormalities, while the primary essential form occurs without associated comorbidities. Discussion: We report on a rare case of primary essential CVG with a 4-year history of normal-colored scalp skin mass in the parietal-occipital region without symptom in a 34-year-old male patient, retrospectively summarizing his pathological and Computer Tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. The major clinical observations on the CT and MR sectional images include a thickened dermis and excessive growth of the scalp, forming the characteristic scalp folds. With the help of CT and MRI Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction techniques, the characteristic skin changes could be displayed intuitively, providing more evidence for a diagnosis of CVG. At the 5-year followup, there were no obvious changes in the lesion. Conclusion: Based on our observations, we propose that not all patients with primary essential CVG need surgical intervention, and continuous clinical observation should be an appropriate therapy for those in stable condition.