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Volume 2, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2666-1845
  • E-ISSN: 2666-1853


Nanocomposites comprised of a polymer matrix and various types of nanosized fillers have remained one of the most important engineering materials and continue to draw great interest in the research community and industry. In particular, graphene in nanocomposites that possess high thermal conductivity and excellent mechanical, electrical, and optical properties have turned out to be promising fillers for making the next generation of advanced high-performance materials.

Though large-scale production of graphene-based nanocomposites is a bit challenging due to the mechanical, functional, and interfacial properties of the graphene and polymer matrix under severe loading conditions, the automotive and off-highway machinery industries are expected to utilize the most modern composite materials, such as graphene-based nanocomposites, to create lighter, stronger, safer, and more energy-efficient cars in the future. Graphene-based material strategies have been investigated and demonstrated to be effective for structural applications in various industries, including electronics, electromechanical, and energy systems. However, currently, there is only limited research highlighting the specific knowledge available for design engineers and researchers involved in providing lightweight but strong solutions using graphene-based materials for automotive and off-highway vehicle applications.

The present review presents an overview of the latest studies that utilize graphene-based nanomaterials and their composites in automotive and off-highway machinery applications. First, the paper describes the concept of traditional composites used presently in the engineering industries by considering its advantages and limitations. Then, it highlights the key benefits of using nanostructured carbon materials, such as graphene, through some recent studies available in the literature. Subsequently, it depicts the various mechanisms of integrating graphene as polymer reinforcements within the composite materials based on the survey and their related modelling, designing, and manufacturing capabilities suitable for the automotive and off-highway machinery industry. Finally, it outlines the available experimental evidence for graphene-based composites. To lay the groundwork for future work in this exciting area, the paper discusses the current challenges as well as future prospects in the field.


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  • Article Type:
    Review Article
Keyword(s): automotive industry; Graphene; nanocomposites; off-highway vehicle; polymer matrix; VOLVO
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