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Volume 18, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2666-2558
  • E-ISSN: 2666-2566



Scientific, technical, and educational research domains all heavily rely on handwritten mathematical expressions. The extensive use of online handwritten mathematical expression recognition is a consequence of the availability of strong computational touch-screen appliances, such as the recent development of deep neural networks as superior sequence recognition models.


Further investigation and enhancement of these technologies are vital to tackle the contemporary obstacles presented by the widespread adoption of remote learning and work arrangements as a result of the global health crisis.


Handwritten document processing has gained more attention in the last ten years due to notable developments in deep neural network-based computer vision models and sequence recognition, as well as the widespread proliferation of touch and pen-enabled smartphones and tablets. It comes naturally to people to write by hand in daily interactions.


In this article, authors implemented Hand written expressions using RNN-based encoder for the CROHME dataset. Later, the proposed model was validated using CNN-based encoder and end-to-end encoder decoder techniques. The proposed model is also validated on other datasets.


The RNN-based encoder model yields 82.78%, while the CNN-based encoder model and end-to-end encoder-decoder technique results in 81.38% and 80.73%, respectively.


1.6% accuracy improvement was attained over CNN-based encoder while 2.4% accuracy improvement over end-to-end encoder-decoder. CROHME dataset 2019 version results in better accuracy than other datasets.


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