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image of A Review of Research on Shortest Path Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots



Path planning technology has a wide range of applications in many fields. Applications in the field of high technology include: autonomous and touchless action of robots; obstacle avoidance and defense flight of drones; cruise missiles to avoid radar search, anti-bouncing attacks, and to complete the task of sudden defense and demolition. Applications in daily life include: GPS navigation; road planning based on GIS system; urban road network planning and navigation. Applications in the field of decision-making management include: vehicle problem (VRP) in logistics management and similar resource allocation problems in resource management. Routing problems in the field of communication technology. Any planning problem that can be topologized as a point and line network can basically be solved by the method of path planning. Different intelligent algorithms have different characteristics, and their application scope and fields are also different, so it is of great significance for the development of path planning technology to study the path planning intelligent algorithms from the characteristics of the algorithms themselves and their applications.


Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various types of planning algorithms, look forward to the future development trend of mobile robot path planning, and provide certain ideas for the research of mobile robot path planning.


Search journals, patents, conferences, and papers related to mobile robot path planning, and summarize and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various planning algorithms.


Based on the research results of many scholars, this study summarizes different mobile robot path planning methods. It is divided into four categories: traditional planning, intelligent search, artificial intelligence and local obstacle avoidance. This paper introduces and analyzes the latest research results of these types, including their design ideas, advantages and disadvantages, and improvement measures. The research methods adopted are analyzed in order to maximize the advantages of each algorithm and expand the application field of robot path planning to provide ideas and references.


This paper provides guidance for the design and optimization of robot path planning. Finally, this paper summarizes the future development trend of robot path planning, and looks forward to the future development trend and key areas of robot path planning.

© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Bentham Science Publishers. This is an open access article published under CC BY 4.0

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