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image of Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes in Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica: A Scoping Review


Background and Objective

Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica (TBOCP) is a rare, benign condition characterised by the presence of multiple bony and cartilaginous nodules in the tracheal and bronchial submucosa. Its etiology remains unknown, and clinical presentations and management vary.


We conducted a scoping review to evaluate clinical and radiological characteristics, diagnostic investigations and prognostic outcomes of TBOCP in adults by exploring Pubmed and SCOPUS databases.


From the search results of 675 studies, 98 were included in this scoping review. TBOCP has a myriad of presenting symptoms and clinical severity but is notably an asthma mimic, displaying an obstructive pattern on spirometry. Bronchoscopic tools were the most common interventional diagnostic or management tool.


While the etiology of TBOCP remains unknown, clinicians are alerted to its varied presentations and classical histopathological and gross morphological appearance.


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