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Volume 1, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2666-4844
  • E-ISSN: 2666-4852



Forensic pathologists, archeologists, and forensic anthropologists are often required to interpret burnt bones. One of the key factors for an accurate interpretation of the remains and the events leading to incineration is the estimation of the maximum exposure temperature of the human remains. Several types of research focus on temperature estimation, using color assessment, histology observations, and mechanical changes, which can help in the most accurate interpretation. The color of burnt bone is inevitably related to the time and temperature(s) to which it was exposed, the size and condition of the bone, and the environment. Nevertheless, it can be possible to estimate exposure temperature based on visual observation and analysis.


Development of a colorimetric scale for photographic documentation and the color calibration of burnt bone.


This paper proposes a patented prototype scale with calibrated colors of burnt bone colors at different temperatures, based on the existing RGB color published data as a visual aid in the interpretation and estimation of the maximum temperature exposure of burnt bone.

Results and Discussion

Authors are aware that the estimation of the maximum temperature of burnt bone cannot be determined solely by colors. Visual color recognition is prone to errors.


The proposed device should be considered a tool during photography of burnt bone and aid in interpreting temperature estimates.


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