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- Volume 7, Issue 1, 2014
Current Aging Science - Volume 7, Issue 1, 2014
Volume 7, Issue 1, 2014
Cosmological Immortality: How to Eliminate Aging on a Universal Scale
More LessThe death of our universe is as certain as our individual death. Some cosmologists have elaborated models which would make the cosmos immortal. In this paper, I examine them as cosmological extrapolations of immortality narratives that civilizations have developed to face death anxiety. I first show why cosmological death should be a worry, then I briefly examine scenarios involving the notion of soul or resurrecti Read More
Reversal of Informational Entropy and the Acquisition of Germ-like Immortality by Somatic Cells
More LessWe live within an increasingly technological, information-laden environment for the first time in human evolution. This subjects us (and will continue to subject us in an accelerating fashion) to an unremitting exposure to ‘meaningful information that requires action’. Directly dependent upon this new environment are novel evolutionary pressures, which can modify existing resource allocation mechanisms and may eventually favo Read More
Human Evolution, Life History Theory, and the End of Biological Reproduction
By Cadell LastThroughout primate history there have been three major life history transitions towards increasingly delayed sexual maturation and biological reproduction, as well as towards extended life expectancy. Monkeys reproduce later and live longer than do prosimians, apes reproduce later and live longer than do monkeys, and humans reproduce later and live longer than do apes. These life history transitions are connected to in Read More
The Pursuit of Longevity – The Bringer of Peace to the Middle East
More LessDespite the common apprehensions regarding the aging population, this work aims to argue, on both deontological and utilitarian moral grounds, that any increase in general life-expectancy will be beneficial for the Middle East, countering the common fears associated with this increase. A set of ethical arguments concerning increasing longevity is presented, from both the deontological and utilitarian perspective. A wide selecti Read More
The Concept of Phenoptosis and its Usefulness for Controlling Aging
More LessAging is generally interpreted according to two opposing paradigms: 1) as a non-adaptive phenomenon, caused by the age-related failure of homeostatic mechanisms; 2) as a specific function, favored by natural selection, which determines the self-destruction of the organism, namely explaining aging as phenoptosis. This interpretation requires genetically determined and regulated age-specific mechanisms, now well d Read More
Evolutionary Orthodoxy: How and Why the Evolutionary Theory of Aging Went Astray
More LessPrevailing ideas of how aging evolved are a poor fit with the picture of aging that is developing from genetics labs and breeding experiments. Nevertheless, the community of theorists is reluctant to consider alternate approaches because the differences are profound, calling into question much of the standard methodology of Population Genetics. (At stake is not the legacy of Darwin, but the particular model of Darwinian s Read More
Pseudorandomness of Gene Expression: A New Evo-devo Theory of Ageing
Authors: Alessandro Fontana and Borys WrobelIn contrast to the first part of life (development), ageing appears to be under less strict genetic control. The precise timing of events so characteristic of development seems to loosen its grasp, while stochastic and environmental factors seem to become the dominant force. Evolutionary theories put forward a decreasing evolutionary pressure over the course of life as the reason behind this pattern, yet disse Read More
An Evolutionary and Genomic Approach to Challenges and Opportunities for Eliminating Aging
While solutions to major scientific and medical problems are never perfect or complete, it is still reasonable to delineate cases where both have been essentially solved. For example, Darwin’s theory of natural selection provides a successful solution to the problem of biological adaptation, while the germ theory of infection solved the scientific problem of contagious disease. Likewise in the context of medicine, we have effe Read More
Cybernetic Principles of Aging and Rejuvenation: The Buffering- Challenging Strategy for Life Extension
More LessAging is analyzed as the spontaneous loss of adaptivity and increase in fragility that characterizes dynamic systems. Cybernetics defines the general regulatory mechanisms that a system can use to prevent or repair the damage produced by disturbances. According to the law of requisite variety, disturbances can be held in check by maximizing buffering capacity, range of compensatory actions, and knowledge about whic Read More
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Polyphenols and Aging
Authors: Brannon L. Queen and Trygve O. Tollefsbol
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