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Volume 18, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1874-6098
  • E-ISSN: 1874-6128


 Introduction and Objective

There is limited research on the changes that can occur in the gait biomechanical parameters of older adults over long-distance walking. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the gait characteristics of older women of a specific Portuguese community over the six-minute walk test (6MWT) along with gait spatial and temporal parameters and angular kinematics of the lower limb joints.

Materials and Methods

Twenty-six older women voluntarily participated. Each woman performed the 6MWT, and during this, their spatial and temporal parameters were collected through plantar pressure data (100Hz) and angular kinematics through an inertial sensor system (100Hz). The 6MWT was divided into four intervals, and the Friedman test was used to compare them. The median age of the women was calculated, and the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare women above and below the median age value.


An increase in gait speed, stance phase, and double stance phase along the intervals was observed, as well as larger angular displacements of the hip, knee, and ankle (<0.05). Women below or above the median age value also yielded these behaviours. Gait speed, cadence, stride length, and step length were higher in women below the median age value, while stride and step duration were lower (<0.05).


Older women yielded changes in gait spatial and temporal parameters along the 6MWT, as well as larger angular displacements of the lower limb joints. Older women (compared to younger ones) yielded lower gait speed, cadence, stride length, and step length, higher stance and double stance phases, and shorter angular displacements of the lower limb joints.


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