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Industrialization and globalization have increased the demand for petroleum products that has increased a load on natural energy resources. The escalating fossil fuel utilization has resulted in surpassing the Earth's capacity to absorb greenhouse gases, necessitating the exploration of sustainable bioenergy alternatives to mitigate emissions. Biofuels, derived from algae, offer promising solutions to alleviate fossil fuel dependency. Algae, often regarded as third-generation biofuels, present numerous advantages owing to their high biomass production rates. While algae have been utilized for their bioactive compounds, their capability as biomass for the production of biofuel has gained traction among researchers. Various biofuels such as bio-hydrogen, bio-methane, bio-ethanol, bio-oil, and bio-butanol can be derived from algae through diverse processes like fermentation, photolysis, pyrolysis, and transesterification. Despite the enormous commercial potential of algae-derived biofuels, challenges such as high cultivation costs persist. However, leveraging the utilization of algae byproducts could improve economic viability of biofuel production. Moreover, algae derived biofuels offer environmental sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and waste reduction benefits, promising novel opportunities for a more sustainable energy future.


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Keywords: Biogas ; Algal Biofuel ; Bioethanol ; Biohydrogen and Bio-butanol ; Biomethane ; Biodiesel ; Bio-oil
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