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image of Image Encryption for Indoor Space Layout Planning



Indoor space layout planning and design involves sensitive and confidential information. To enhance the security and confidentiality of such data, the study introduces an advanced image encryption algorithm. This algorithm is based on simultaneous chaotic systems and bit plane permutation diffusion, aiming to provide a more secure and reliable approach to indoor space layout design.


The study proposes an image encryption algorithm that incorporates simultaneous chaotic systems and bit plane permutation diffusion. This algorithm is then applied to the process of indoor space layout planning and design. Comparative analysis is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm against other existing methods. Additionally, a comparative testing of indoor space layout planning and design methods is carried out to assess the overall effectiveness of the research method.


Through the algorithm comparison test, information entropy, adjacent pixel distribution and response time were selected as evaluation indexes. The results demonstrated that the improved image encryption algorithm exhibited superior performance in terms of information entropy (with average information entropy of 7.9990), anti-noise attack capability (with PSNR value of 37.58db), and anti-differential attack capability (with NPCR and UACI values of 99.6% and 33.5%) when compared to the benchmark algorithm. In the actual application effect test, the study selected space utilization, functionality, security, ease of use, confidentiality, flexibility and other evaluation indicators. A comparative analysis of the actual application effects of various interior design projects revealed that the interior space layout planning and design method proposed in the study exhibited notable superiority over the comparison method across all indicators. In particular, it showed overall advantages in space utilization (92.5% in modern apartment design), functionality score (9.5 in future living experience museum design), and safety assessment.


The above key results demonstrate that the improved image encryption algorithm and the designed indoor space layout planning method have substantial practical applications and are expected to enhance security and confidentiality in the field of indoor space layout planning, thereby providing users with a more optimal experience.


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  • Article Type:
    Research Article
Keywords: indoor space ; layout planning ; image encryption algorithm ; bitplane ; Chaotic system
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