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Volume 19, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1872-2121
  • E-ISSN: 2212-4047



Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that leads to seizures. This occurs due to excessive electrical discharge by the brain cells. An effective seizure prediction model can aid in improving the lifestyle of epilepsy patients. After analyzing various patents related to seizure prediction, it is observed that monitoring electroencephalography (EEG) signals of epileptic patients is an important task for the early diagnosis of seizures.


The main objective of this paper is to assist epileptic patients to enhance their way of living by predicting the seizure in advance.


This paper builds a feature augmentation-based multi-model ensemble-based architecture for seizure prediction. The proposed technique is divided into 2 broad categories; feature augmentation and ensemble modeling. The feature augmentation process builds temporal features while the multi-model ensemble has been designed to handle the high complexity levels of the EEG data. The first phase of the multi-model ensemble has been designed with heterogeneous classifier models. The second phase is based on the prediction results obtained from the first phase. Experiments were performed using the seizure prediction dataset from the University Hospital of Bonn.


Comparison indicates 98.7% accuracy, with improvement of 5% from the existing model. High prediction levels indicate that the model is highly capable of providing accurate seizure predictions, hence ensuring its applicability in real time.


The result of this paper has been compared with existing methods of predicting seizures and it indicated that the proposed model has better enhancement in the accuracy levels.


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