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Volume 25, Issue 8
  • ISSN: 1389-2037
  • E-ISSN: 1875-5550


Aims: This study investigates the impact of IbACP ( anti-cancer peptide) on defense-related gene expression in tomato leaves, focusing on its role in plant defense mechanisms. Background: Previously, IbACP was isolated from sweet potato leaves, and it was identified as a peptide capable of inducing an alkalinization response in tomato suspension culture media. Additionally, IbACP was found to regulate the proliferation of human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells. Objective: Elucidate IbACP's molecular influence on defense-related gene expression in tomato leaves using next-generation sequencing analysis. Methods: To assess the impact of IbACP on defense-related gene expression, transcriptome data were analyzed, encompassing various functional categories such as photosynthesis, metabolic processes, and plant defense. Semi-quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis was employed to verify transcription levels of defense-related genes in tomato leaves treated with IbACP for durations ranging from 0 h (control) to 24 h. Results: IbACP induced jasmonic acid-related genes (LoxD and AOS) at 2 h, with a significant up-regulation of salicylic acid-dependent gene NPR1 at 24 h. This suggested a temporal antagonistic effect between jasmonic acid and salicylic acid during the early hours of IbACP treatment. Downstream ethylene-responsive regulator genes (ACO1, ETR4, and ERF1) were consistently down-regulated by IbACP at all times. Additionally, IbACP significantly up-regulated the gene expressions of suberization-associated anionic peroxidases (TMP1 and TAP2) at all time points, indicating enhanced suberization of the plant cell wall to prevent pathogen invasion. Conclusion: IbACP enhances the synthesis of defense hormones and up-regulates downstream defense genes, improving the plant's resistance to biotic stresses.


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