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image of Effects of COVID-19 on Food Supply: A Systematic Review


The COVID-19 outbreak has had a significant influence on several critical industries, including agriculture, education, and the economy. This essay investigates these processes, with a focus on agriculture, where the repercussions have been particularly harsh for poor groups dealing with unpredictable food supplies and food safety.

Along with a critical examination of the shift to digital education systems, the report highlights the major obstacles that lie ahead for regions lacking adequate digital infrastructure and digital literacy. There have been notable disruptions in the economy as well. Manufacturing, the financial markets, and tourism have all seen major downturns.

The study emphasizes the crucial part that following safety measures and boosting immunization campaigns play in mitigating these negative consequences while supporting economic recovery. Also, new technical solutions have emerged throughout this time. The application of drone technology to contactless food delivery is a notable illustration of how creativity can overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Finally, the report recommends the development of specific and rigorous methods to strengthen recovery efforts in these critical areas.


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  • Article Type:
    Review Article
Keywords: COVID-19 ; Agriculture sector ; food system
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