oa Enlargement of the Middle Meningeal Artery may be an Initiating Factor of Chronic Subdural Hematoma: Three Rase Reports and a Literature Review
- Source: , Volume 20, Issue 1, Jan 2024, e240323214952
- 28 Dec 2022
- 20 Feb 2023
- 08 May 2023
MMA (middle meningeal artery) embolization for the treatment of refractory CSDH (chronic subdural hematoma) was first described by Mandai et al. in 2000. More surgeons hadbegun to pay attention to such surgery to treat CSDH and explored the changes in the middle meningealartery in the formation of hematomas.
We present three cases of chronic subdural hematoma after head trauma and compared the diameter of middle meningeal artery in MRA images before and after chronic subduralhematoma to discuss our new understanding of CSDH.
The enlarging of MMA was found through MRA in patients with craniocerebral trauma on one side but not on the other. However, only the enlarged side had a subdural hematoma, so we speculate that the enlargement of MMA might be one of the initiating factors of CSDH.