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Volume 22, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1570-162X
  • E-ISSN: 1873-4251


Background: The assessment of health-related quality of life among people living with HIV (PLWH) has gained increasing importance as it assesses their overall well-being, guides treatment decisions, and addresses psychosocial challenges, improving their quality of life. This study focuses on adapting and validating the Turkish version of the WHOQOL-HIV Bref, a tool developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to measure health-related quality of life in PLWH. This adaptation is based on the generic WHOQOL-Bref Turkish and WHOQOL-HIV Bref inventory. Methods: In line with WHO guidelines, the tool was translated and tested on 189 PLWH from İstanbul şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital's HIV outpatient clinic. A variety of statistical methods were employed to assess content, construct, concurrent, and known-group validity, as well as internal consistency and reliability. Results: Participants' median age was 35 years (IQR: 14), with 178(94%) being male. The Turkish WHOQOL-HIV Bref showed overall satisfactory psychometric properties. Despite limitations in the spirituality domain, it demonstrated good internal consistency (alpha coefficient: 0.93) and strong validity across several metrics, including test-retest reliability (ICC: 0.79). Conclusion: The WHOQOL-HIV BREF in Turkish is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing the quality of life in Turkish PLWH.


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  • Article Type:
    Research Article
Keyword(s): HIV; HRQOL; PLWH; turkish translation; validation studies; world health organization
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