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Volume 6, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 2211-5447
  • E-ISSN: 2211-5455


Background: The enzymes, oxidoreductases catalyze various vital biological oxidation/ reduction reactions at the cellular level and thus a wide spectrum research in the area of enzyme technology has focused on their applications in different disciplines such as bioanalysis, biodegradation, biosynthesis, biotechnology, therapeutics and industry etc. Methods: Oxidoreductases have successfully immobilized on the surface of simple and modified magnetic nanoparticles or entrapped within the network of polymeric magnetic nanomatrices. Prior to their use for the immobilization of enzymes, these supports have been functionalized by using different kinds of activating agents. Results: The immobilized oxidoreductases were found significantly more stable against the inactivation mediated by pH, heat, organic solvents, detergents and other kinds of denaturants and were found quite resistant to inhibition mediated by their specific inhibitors. The bound enzymes have proved their potential in synthetic reactions due to high stability in the presence of organic solvents. The obtained immobilized oxidoreductases have demonstrated remarkably high operational stability and reusability as a biosensor, in batch as well as in continuous bioreactors during synthesis and transformation of useful compounds. Conclusion: The novel properties of magnetic nanoparticles make them an excellent choice as a support for efficient high yield immobilization and stabilization, and easy separation of enzymes. The immobilized oxidoreductases exhibited very high activity, stability against different kinds of denaturants and on storage and reusability. These results were dependent on the type of nanomatrices and method employed for immobilization enzyme. The findings in this manuscript have a good technological potential.


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