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image of AI-Driven Innovations in Hearing Health: A Review of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Audiology and Hearing Technologies


Hearing loss is a prevalent condition affecting over 500 million people globally, with projections estimating more than 700 million cases by 2050. Artificial intelligence (AI) holds transformative potential in audiology, enhancing diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitation outcomes. This review explores the applications of AI in hearing aids, cochlear implants, sign language recognition, and tele-audiology.

A comprehensive literature review was conducted using PubMed, Google Scholar, and other academic databases. Relevant studies on AI-driven advancements in audiology were analyzed, focusing on hearing aid technologies, cochlear implants, diagnostics, and tele-audiology platforms.

AI technologies significantly enhance hearing aids through real-time personalization and adaptive algorithms. Cochlear implants leverage AI for improved speech recognition and listening comfort. AI-powered sign language systems facilitate communication through real-time gesture-to-text conversions, while tele-audiology expands care access using AI-enabled platforms. Diagnostic advancements include AI-enhanced audiometric testing and otoscopy.

AI is revolutionizing hearing healthcare by providing personalized, efficient, and accessible solutions. Its integration into audiology represents a paradigm shift, offering significant improvements in patient outcomes and quality of life.


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