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  • ISSN: 1872-2083
  • E-ISSN: 2212-4012



The decarbonization of road transport is a precondition for achieving carbon neutrality. Battery-electric vehicle technology, driven by several patents, can make this a reality. In this bias, the objective of the article is to shed light on the ongoing debate about the potentially important role of the adoption of electric vehicles in the transport of microalgae-based products to help them advance to a cleaner life cycle.


Five routes, including unimodal and multimodal conditions, were defined to assess the carbon emissions of the transport system and, more specifically, of road transport. The headquarters of market-leading microalgae manufacturers were selected as the origin of the routes and, as the destination, regions that sustain them.


The results reveal the supremacy of road transport of microalgae-based products using electric vehicles powered by nuclear, hydroelectric, and wind, followed by biomass and photovoltaic energy. They also show that the positive impact of wind, water, and photovoltaic energy on the climate, added to the lower battery charging costs and the greater opportunity to generate revenue from the sale of carbon credits, make their trade-offs.


The exquisite results of this study convey key messages to decision-makers and stakeholders about the role of electromobility in building a zero-carbon delivery route.


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