Thermal Systems Engineering Design and Analysis of a High Usability Host Spacecraft
Dec 2014
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 99
- 109
Recent efforts in space exploration have focused on budget solutions for monitoring Earth’s climate and astrophysics. Implementing such a satellite requires thermal design in order to maintain the scientific instruments and bus components within their ideal operating temperatures. This paper outlines the thermal system’s engineering design and thermal analysis for a High Usability Host Spacecraft. Preliminary thermal engineering results suggest that the Hi Read More
Space-borne Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture: A Review
Dec 2014
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 119
- 150
Soil moisture (SM) plays an important role in groundwater recharge runoff air moisture atmospheric temperature land degradation geo-chemical process surface and sub-surface biota including agriculture etc. Several studies have reported comparable results of space-borne passive microwaves remote sensing of surface (2 to 5 cm) SM using relationship between volumetric SM and brightness temperature dielectric constant polarimetry roughnes Read More
Robust Aligned Carbon Nanotube Tape with Excellent Piezoelectric Properties
Dec 2014
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 110
- 118
We report a highly aligned multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) tape with a P(VDF-TrFE) matrix that is mechanically robust and has excellent piezoelectric properties for sensor applications including but not limited to vibration gyroscopes and accelerometers. The tapes were tested for piezoelectric response via hysteresis measurements and d33 measurements. It was found that 10 weight percent P(VDF-TrFE) in a solution of DMSO resulted in increased val Read More
High Energy Particle Generation in Cosmic Rays and Solar Particle Events
Dec 2014
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 79
- 88
It is assumed that cosmic rays and other high-energy particles of extraterrestrial origin can be produced by first-order Fermi diffusive shock acceleration in plasma up to 5x1019 eV the point where they interact with the cosmic microwave background (CMB). First-order Fermi shock acceleration is due to a supersonic shock with a Mach number dependent on the index (or logarithmic slope) of the shock-induced power-law spectrum. The local all-parti Read More
Lorentz Invariance and the Global Positioning System
Dec 2014
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 89
- 98
An example is considered (clock riddle) which demonstrates that opposite results are obtained for the length of an object depending on whether FitzGerald-Lorentz contraction (FLC) is assumed or instead the determination is based on the elapsed time required for a light pulse to traverse between its endpoints. This lack of internal consistency in relativity theory is traced to an undeclared assumption Einstein made regarding a normalization factor appeari Read More
The Possibility to Construct a Graser – High Sensitivity Gravitational Wave Detector by Using the Electrogravitic Property of Dielectric Materials
Dec 2013
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 152
- 157
Astronomers tried to detect gravitational waves which are generated by the movement of massive astronomical bodies. However it is very difficult to detect gravity waves by using conventional devices. Leon Brillouin proposed a concept of Graser that is a powerful amplifying device for gravity waves which can enable us to measure gravity waves their frequencies their velocities and how they propagate. According to the theory by Boyko Ivanov the gravit Read More
A Power Budget Model for Highly Adaptive Small Satellites
Dec 2013
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 118
- 127
Small satellite power is a critical space segment resource that is at a premium. This is especially obvious when considering highly adaptive small satellites (HASSs) that exhibit static and active (dynamic) power regimes. Reconfigurable spacecraft modules and subsystems have been patented spanning core bus payload propulsion and deployment interface. The majority depends on static power margins for specific mission requirements. This paper reports Read More
Printed Thermoelectric Generator for Hybrid Tandem Photovoltaic/ Thermoelectric Device
Dec 2013
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 132
- 151
An analysis of the patented technology related to the use of conventional sources of energy is presented and the benefits offered by renewable energy systems are outlined. Current trends of patents on energy conversion technology show that the combination of two or more different forms of energy could surpass the limits of each individual conversion cycle. Photovoltaic solar cell tandem with thermoelectric generator is one of the examples. Therm Read More
Towards Space ‘Vacuum Technology’ in Virtually Open Space: Ultra- Low-Pressure (ULP) Inflatable Structures
Dec 2013
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 103
- 117
Effective self-sustaining ‘vacuum technologies’ such as magnetron-enhanced plasma deposition processes may be realized in virtually open space separated from the cosmos by a flexible gas barrier inflated by the functional gas pressure required by those processes. The key challenging aspects of the design and functioning of Ultra-low-pressure (ULP) inflatable structures as well as their structural integrity in space environment including micrometeoroid att Read More
Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne (DASH) Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Receiver
Dec 2013
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 128
- 131
The Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne (DASH) spectrometer concept was first proposed in 2006 for measuring Doppler shifts of single or multiple near monochromatic signals and specifically for the passive measurement of atmospheric winds in planetary atmospheres. DASH interferometers have since been proposed built and used for the passive remote sensing of Doppler shifts of naturally occurring telluric airglow lines to infer thermospheric winds. I Read More
Use of Remote Sensing Techniques for Robust Detection and Estimations of Soil Organic Carbon: A Review
Dec 2013
Recent Patents on Space Technology
pp 83
- 102
Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) plays an important role in soil fertility complex water and nutrient exchange processes in plant root zone land degradation and global carbon cycle. Space technology is an efficient tool to: 1) estimate and map the SOC stocks and 2) rectify the stakeholders for enough food production and climate change management. Several studies and patents have reported complimentary results and successful applications of remotely sens Read More
Recent Patents on Space Technology
ISSN: 1877-6116
E-ISSN: 2210-6871
Recent Patents on Space Technology publishes review/research articles and guest edited thematic issues on recent patents in the field of Space Technology. A selection of important and recent patents on Space Technology is also included in the journal. The journal is essential reading for all researchers involved in the fields of Space Technology. Research areas covered by the Journal are: Space exploration Space colonization telemetry satellite television wea Read More
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