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image of BLE-IOT-PID: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Based IOT Controlled PID Controller for Multi-loop Pilot Plant with Quantum Firefly PSO Optimization



Conventional Proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controls for multi-loop pilot plants are constrained by wired connections, outdated control techniques, and inefficient real-time data sensing and acquisition. As a result, inefficiencies arise, where control loops for parameters like temperature, level, and flow require continuous dynamic adjustments and precise regulation. To overcome this issue, a full wireless solution is proposed which is the need of today’s era.


This study presents a novel PID controller for a multi-loop pilot plant, utilizing a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based Internet of Thing (IoT) system for wireless, real-time data sensing and control. The system gathers data through sensors and sends it to cloud storage a BLE access point, which is then monitored using a mobile app called BIP. In addition to monitoring, the BIP app serves as a control interface, allowing PID parameters to be adjusted through a Quantum Firefly-Particle Swarm Optimization (QFPSO) algorithm integrated with the ThingSpeak cloud. This enables the control module to function in three distinct modes for the plant’s loops. Users can manually configure PID parameters, as well as temperature and level set-points, while the system automatically regulates the flow set-point based on real-time data. The BLE-based IoT system comprises five modules using Arduino Nano 33 BLE: a Flow Sensor, a Temperature Sensor, a Level Sensor, IoT communication, and an access point. These modules provide more accurate data than traditional sensing systems.


Key benefits of the proposed system include wireless accessibility, user-friendliness, a simplified design, ease of upgrades, and consistent control across multiple loops. The proposed system can be easily adapted for various types of industrial control systems with minimal effort.


Additionally, the developed wireless sensor node can replace wired sensor nodes in any electronic system.


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