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Volume 7, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2405-5204
  • E-ISSN: 2405-5212


The solid fuel combustion in the thermal power plants, which use sulfur-rich fuels, poses the problem of sulfur dioxide removal from the waste gases. This problem is complicated by the fact, that it is required to purify huge amounts of gas with low SO2 concentration. The huge gas amounts need big size apparatuses, which is possible to be decreased if the absorption rate is maximal. The theoretical analysis of the methods and for purification of waste gases from S?2, using two-phase absorbent (CaCO3 suspension) shows, that the process is practically a physical absorption and the mass transfer resistances in the gas and liquid phases are 44% and 56%, respectively. In these conditions a new patent is proposed, where the process of optimization is realized in three zone columns, where the upper zone is a physical absorption in gasliquid drops system, the middle zone is a physical absorption in liquid-gas bubbles system and the chemical reaction takes place at the bottom of the column. The convection-diffusion type of models permits to create the average concentration models and give quantitative description of the absorption processes.


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