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Volume 19, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1872-2121
  • E-ISSN: 2212-4047



The IoT (Internet of Things) assigns to the capacity of Device-to-Machine (D2M) connections, which is a vital component in the development of the digital economy. IoT integration with a human being enables real-time decision-making in communication, collaboration, and technology analytics. Furthermore, environmental factors impacting plants, such as air humidity, temperature, air quality index, and soil wetness, are not frequently documented, emphasizing the development of a data monitoring system for future agricultural research and development.


An IoT-based Intelligent Farming System is proposed. An innovative IoT-based intelligent farming system is developed that integrates real-time data monitoring, machine learning algorithms, and IoT technology to address the identified gaps and challenges.


In the face of climate change, extreme weather, and environmental constraints, increased food demand must be satisfied. Intelligent agriculture enabled by IoT technology can reduce waste and increase productivity for producers and farmers, from fertilizer use to tractor trips.


In conclusion, this patent paper provides insightful and informative commentary on the progress made in technology within the agriculture industry and the challenges that still need to be overcome to achieve optimal outcomes.


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