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image of Optimization of Blade Injection Molding for Plant Protection UAV Based on Blade Element Theory and Response Surface Method



The method was proposed to optimize the warpage and volume shrinkage of the blade of a plant protection unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during injection molding. The influence of molding defects on the geometric parameters of airfoil was analyzed from two aspects of blade geometry structure and molding process based on blade element theory. This paper focuses on reducing the warpage and volume shrinkage of the blade in the production process and improving molding quality through moldflow analysis and calculation.


The purpose of this patent study was to combine injection molding CAE with orthogonal test and response surface method to reduce product warpage and volume shrinkage, improve dimensional accuracy and production efficiency, and combine fluid dynamics simulation experiments to prove the experiment's reliability.


The optimization method of injection molding process parameters was proposed based on the orthogonal test and response surface method, combining the principles of aerodynamics mathematics and polymer injection molding. The Taguchi experiment was designed with melt temperature injection time and mold temperature pressure holding time as the optimization variable. The Box-Behnken Design (BBD) experiment was designed, and the response surface model was established with Design-Expert software to analyze the mapping relationship between process parameters and warpage and volume shrinkage. Moldflow software was used for flow analysis on the basis of analysis by response surface method, and the deformed parts were analyzed by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with ANSYS software to prove the reliability of the calculation process.


The warpage and volume shrinkage of the product can be significantly reduced based on the orthogonal test and response surface model. The aerodynamic performance of the blade can be improved by optimization injection molding, making the actual production of the blade close to the original design blade model to the greatest extent and reducing the actual production trial and error cost.


An optimization method of the injection molding process of the UAV rotor was proposed based on the response surface method and blade element theory. Through the systematic design and optimization of injection molding parameters, the molding quality and performance of the rotor can be improved, which provides a new way to optimize the dynamic components of mass-produced UAVs.


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