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image of Recent Research on anti-G suit for Fighter Pilots



With the arrival of the first airplane, the technology of anti-G suits for fighter pilots emerged. Anti-G suit technology has advanced rapidly over time, and anti-G suits are now widely used in modern fighter jets around the world. Furthermore, as fighter aircraft performance improves, the pilots' driving environment becomes more severe, and traditional anti-G suits no longer meet the requirements. As a result, all relevant countries are currently researching new types of anti-G suits for pilots to meet the load-resistant requirements in high-performance fighter aircraft.


Through a detailed analysis of the development history, research status and related technologies of fighter pilots' anti-G suit, and with reference to the papers and latest patents related to anti-G suit, we are looking for ways to improve the anti-overload resistance of fighter pilots' anti-G suit, and to optimize the man-machine efficacy of the anti-G suit.


The methodology of this study is as follows: By classifying the anti-G suit for fighter pilots, briefly explainining the development direction and research direction of key technologies, summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of key technology respectively, and looking forward to the future development trend of anti-G suits.


Through the research and analysis of each key technology of anti-G suit for fighter pilots, it can be seen that the anti-G suit mainly maintains the pilot's ability to operate the aircraft by pressurizing the abdomen and lower limbs of the human body when positive overload is applied, in order to reduce the deformation and displacement of the internal organs and to stop the transfer of the blood to the lower half of the body, so as to ensure the circulating blood volume of the head; the differences in the clothing material, structure and filling medium influence the anti-G suit's anti-overload performance. The speed of media filling reaction and the filling process also have an important effect on the overload resistance performance.


The use of new anti-G suit clothing materials, filler structures, and media, and the use of intelligent technology to improve the reaction speed of media filling and optimize the media filling process can significantly improve the anti-load performance of fighter pilots and meet the higher anti-load requirements of today's high-performance fighter pilots.


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