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Volume 18, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2213-1116
  • E-ISSN: 2213-1132



The recent development of small-scale, decentralized generation from renewable sources and the fall in the price of the equipment needed for this operation have given a new role to the distribution networks, which is to collect the energy produced by the smallest generation plants and deliver it to the end customers. However, the national Grid Codes present technical requirements in terms of FRT and particularly LVRT and HVRT which are imposed on PV plants connected to medium voltage distribution networks, to ensure the energy needed by the loads connected to the network at the time of the failure and especially sensitive ones.


In this paper, an intelligent neural network approach is applied to the DVR control circuit to enable the requirements of the sensitive load connected near the PCC, and the system is tested in the presence of a non-linear load to demonstrate its efficiency for all situations. The proposed strategy is based on the implementation of an improved ANFIS and ANN control which are compared to a tuned PI controller, the approach intends to meet the technical requirement of the recently approved Grid Code in Morocco. The simulation is performed using MATLAB Simulink.


The proposed approach brings great improvement to the load side voltage waveforms, and numerical experiment findings demonstrate that it can successfully guarantee the technical requirements of the electrical grid code.


The results obtained show better behavior of the system using ANFIS and ANN control strategy in the presence of a nonlinear load and a significant improvement of the voltage THD.


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