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Volume 21, Issue 10
  • ISSN: 1567-2018
  • E-ISSN: 1875-5704


The field of microfluidics encompasses the study of fluid behavior within micro-channels and the development of miniature systems featuring internal compartments or passageways tailored for fluid control and manipulation. Microfluidic devices capitalize on the unique chemical and physical properties exhibited by fluids at the microscopic scale. In contrast to their larger counterparts, microfluidic systems offer a multitude of advantages. Their implementation facilitates the investigation and utilization of reduced sample, solvent, and reagent volumes, thus yielding decreased operational expenses. Owing to their compact dimensions, these devices allow for the concurrent execution of multiple procedures, leading to expedited experimental timelines. Over the past two decades, microfluidics has undergone remarkable advancements, evolving into a multifaceted discipline. Subfields such as organ-on-a-chip and paper-based microfluidics have matured into distinct fields of study. Nonetheless, while scientific progress within the microfluidics realm has been notable, its translation into autonomous end-user applications remains a frontier to be fully explored. This paper sets forth the central objective of scrutinizing the present research paradigm, prevailing limitations, and potential prospects of customizable microfluidic devices. Our inquiry revolves around the latest strides achieved, prevailing constraints, and conceivable trajectories for adaptable microfluidic technologies. We meticulously delineate existing iterations of microfluidic systems, elucidate their operational principles, deliberate upon encountered limitations, and provide a visionary outlook toward the future trajectory of microfluidic advancements. In summation, this work endeavors to shed light on the current state of microfluidic systems, underscore their operative intricacies, address incumbent challenges, and unveil promising pathways that chart the course toward the next frontier of microfluidic innovation.


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