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image of Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Mellitus Prediction: Advancements and Challenges - A Review


Poor dietary habits and a lack of understanding are contributing to the rapid global increase in the number of diabetic people. Therefore, a framework that can accurately forecast a large number of patients based on clinical details is needed. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field, and its implementations to diabetes, a worldwide pandemic, have the potential to revolutionize the strategy of diagnosing and forecasting this chronic condition. Algorithms based on artificial intelligence fundamentals have been developed to support predictive models for the risk of developing diabetes or its complications. In this review, we will discuss AI-based diabetes prediction. Thus, AI-based new-onset diabetes prediction has not beaten the statistically based risk stratification models, in traditional risk stratification models. Despite this, it is anticipated that in the near future, a vast quantity of well-organized data and an abundance of processing power will optimize AI's predictive capabilities, greatly enhancing the accuracy of diabetic illness prediction models.


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  • Article Type:
    Research Article
Keywords: Machine Learning ; Diabetes mellitus ; Diabetes prediction ; Artificial intelligence
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