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image of Association between Internet Game Addiction and Social Anxiety Symptoms among Adolescents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



Internet Gaming Addiction (IGA) can have a significant impact on the characteristics of individual gamers and may even be a contributing factor to the development of social anxiety symptoms. This study of adolescent Saudi Arabian Internet gamers examined the influences of Internet gaming time and probable Internet Gaming Disorders (IGDs). It investigated the association between Internet game addiction and social anxiety symptoms among them.


The cross-sectional survey was conducted from March to June of 2023 among adolescents in the Saudi population. Probable IGD was measured by using the DSM-5 checklist, and the Arabic version of the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) was used to evaluate social phobia or anxiety.


A total of 764 participants enrolled in the current study, 52% of whom were females, and 48% were males. 42% belonged to the age group 17-18, and 38% were 15-16. 44.8% of participants have a gaming addiction. There was a significant association between social phobia and gaming addiction ( ≤0.05). There was a significant association of social phobia with age and gender (≤0.05).


The findings imply a significant correlation between IGA and psychological concerns, particularly among male adolescents. Excessive internet gaming use leads to higher levels of social anxiety.


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