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Volume 15, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2210-6766
  • E-ISSN: 2210-6774



Suicide among African American adolescents is a significant and preventable public health issue in the United States. Recently, the suicide rate among this group has significantly increased. At the same time, that for White adolescents has remained relatively stable, and those for Hispanic, Asian American, Pacific Islander, and other adolescents have decreased. While multiple factors influence suicidality, substance use is a significant factor that links to increased suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and suicide. This review paper aims to discuss the relevant factors contributing to suicide and substance use among African American adolescents.


(1) The objective was to investigate (historical), socio-economic, cultural, and environmental factors that contribute to higher rates of suicide and substance use among this population. (2) Explore the impact of systemic racism, poverty, and community violence on suicide and substance use in African American adolescents and (3) Identify and discuss resilience factors that can help mitigate the risks of suicide and substance use.


A qualitative review was conducted to identify selected relevant articles on suicide and substance use among African American adolescents published between 1990 and 2023 in PubMed, PsycInfo, Cochrane Library, Medline, and Psychiatry Online.


Historical risk factors associated with adolescent suicide generally have not been inclusive or relevant to differing racial and ethnic backgrounds. Assessing suicidality using “common” suicide risk factors poses a major problem. It is a less reliable predictor of suicide for African American adolescents, thus leading to ineffective suicide prevention and intervention. Relevant risk factors are self-esteem, family support, racism and racial discrimination, poverty, and the intersection of different marginalized identities. The relevant protective factors are religiosity and spirituality, family support, social support, private regard/strong African American identity, and personal factors.


Research on suicide among African American adolescents is still emerging, particularly in identifying relevant risk and protective factors for accurately assessing suicidal ideation. Substance use serves as one coping mechanism for dealing with the challenges of structural racism, discrimination, and oppression.


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