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Phytoremediation/Phytoextraction: A Sustainable Approach to the Restoration of ChromiumContaminated Soil

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Chromium is a major component that is responsible for environmental stress. It also has profound effects on the health of living beings because trace amounts of chromium in the environment have been linked to serious health problems in humans and plants. The dangers to human health, bioavailability, plant response to chromium toxicity, and phytoextraction storage in plants are issues of major concern. Understanding and optimizing the phytoextraction process would be immensely beneficial to know about metabolic pool changes that occur in plants in response to Cr toxicity. Therefore, the removal of chromium from the environment is necessary due to its toxic nature. However, the removal of chromium from the environment is a daunting task. Physico-chemical and biological techniques are either too expensive or inefficient to be widely implemented to eradicate chromium from the contaminated soil and environment. The challenges of widespread implementation can be met by adopting integrated approaches, which are currently under consideration. The removal of chromium from the environment can be more economical and sustainable using phytoremediation technology. In this chapter, we have discussed the phytoremediation technique as a green solution for the removal of chromium from polluted soil because phytoremediation, and especially phytoextraction, is a viable and sustainable solution to restore chromiumpolluted soil.

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