Harnessing Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Multifunctional Applications
- Authors: Rabia Munir1, Junaid Ali2, Saira Arif3, Shahid Aziz4
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 OptoElectronics Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan 2 OptoElectronics Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan 3 Department of Chemistry, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jeju National University, Jeju, South Korea
- Source: 2D Materials: Chemistry and Applications (Part 1) , pp 58-102
- Publication Date: August 2024
- Language: English
Harnessing Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Multifunctional Applications, Page 1 of 1
< Previous page | Next page > /docserver/preview/fulltext/9789815223675/chapter-3-1.gifDue to the distinctive 2D lattice structure, graphene, and its derivatives have received much interest in recent years to advance technology into the era of stretchable, bendable, and flexible technology. Graphene has advantageous features that create diversely effective devices when combined with other materials to create composites. Compared to graphene, its composites exhibit improved features such as excellent mechanical strength, tunable electrical and thermal conductivity, and optical properties. Graphene composites utilize graphene fillers, films, or nanosheets with several other organic and inorganic groups, such as polymers, metal oxides, metal nanowires and nanoparticles, quantum dots, ceramics, and cement through covalent or noncovalent interactions. Numerous factors help tune the characteristics of the composites, such as graphene concentration, filler dispersion, chemical bonding, and others. The chapter discusses various methods for synthesizing graphene-based composites, including melt intercalation, in-situ polymerization, solution processing, etc. It also discusses factors that affect the composite's mechanical, electrical, thermal, photonic, and photocatalytic properties and its wide range of uses in electronics, sensors, transistors, energy storage, and environmental remediation. In addition, the problems and obstacles encountered in the manufacture of composites have been highlighted.
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